新興技術策展系列5 生成型人工智慧(英)

2023-07-20 20:51:28 字數 1737 閱讀 7473



generative artificial intelligence (al) hasbeen dewelopineranidw and has attractecsignificant attention in recent years, with numerous advances and breakthroughsthe generative al market is expected to grow from s1.5 billion in 2021 to s6.5billion by 2026a compound annual growth rate of 34.9 percent.

acknowledging the growing importance of generative al in research and practicaapplications, including its use to solve international development challenges, thisreport provides a comprehensive overview of generative al, introduces the basicsexplains its development over time, and examines its types and applications. aftehighlighting the benefits and capabilities of generative al, the report explores howit can be applied in various industries such as health care, manufacturing, mediaand entertainment and then discusses potential opportunities and limitationsusers must consider. finally, it describes initiatives and strategies that the koreangovernment and private sector players h**e implemented to adopt and advancegenerative al in korea and the global marketolace

the fifth issue in the emerging technology series, "generative al" is the result ofa collaboration effort of the world bank group information technology solutionstechnology and the world bank korea country office. the series capturesnew technology and trends and shares knowledge to help solve internationadevelopment challenges



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