中國求職面試中可能發生的 4 件怪事

2023-07-26 23:48:53 字數 6549 閱讀 1656

as a foreigner in china, there is ample opportunity to propel your career beyond your wildest dreams. before you get too caught up in that dream, however, you’re going to h**e to jump over one very important hurdle: the job interview. just like many aspects of life here, interviewing can be an all together different experience. here are four strange things that might happen in a job interview in china.



歧視。let’s tackle the most controversial point first. unfortunately, some chinese employees will still judge you on race, nationality, gender and age. a lot of employers, especially for english teaching jobs, sadly prefer white candidates and openly discriminate against people of colour. many employers will insist you send them a photograph of yourself before the interview so they can weed out any candidates that don’t meet their company’s cookie-cutout of a model employee. english teachers who hail from countries where english is not the native language may also find themselves lumped into a less-desirable category, as will women of childbearing age and anyone pushing 50.

我們先來討論最有爭議的一點。不幸的是,一些中國員工仍然會根據種族、國籍、性別和年齡來判斷你。很多雇主,尤其是英語教學工作的雇主,偏愛白人求職者,公開歧視有色人種,令人痛心。許多雇主會堅持讓你在面試前給他們寄一張自己的**,這樣他們就能剔除任何不符合公司模範員工標準的應聘者。來自英語不是母語的國家的英語教師可能也會被歸入不受歡迎的類別,育齡婦女和年過 50 歲的人也是如此。

luckily, times are slowly changing and such antiquated ideas, particularly in more cosmopolitan cities, are gradually fading, but it all still depends on the personal prejudices of whoever is hiring. if you’re worried about being discriminated against, don’t. would you really want to work for an employer with such backwards ideas anyway? keep applying to jobs, especially in more developed cities and at international schools, and you’re bound to find an employer that judges you on your merits, not your demographics.


personal questions

個人問題。some interviewers in china will openly ask questions about your personal life. are you married? do you h**e kids? what do your parents do? how much is your rent? could you please describe in detail your future family plans? this should come as no surprise to anyone who’s been in china for a while, since the **erage expat gets asked such probing questions every day by complete strangers.


after six (long) years in china i’ve become rather desensitized to these highly personal questions and don’t mind honestly giving my answers, but my replies probably won’t affect my job prospects in the same way they might for a woman planning to start a family soon. if you find yourself in the latter category and are worried about being honest, the **st solution is just to lie. the chinese government has recently taken steps to discourage such intimate questions, however, so you could point this out if you’re feeling br**e and/or aggrieved. such action could, of course, lead your interviewer to put a big black mark against your name, however unfair that would be.


penchant to party?

喜歡派對?here’s one that i dare say mainly affects male job applicants in china. although this is another aspect of professional life that the government is trying to stamp out, smoking, he**y drinking and even enjoying the company of ladies of questionable repute are still very much part of doing business in some circles. if you’re applying for a job that involves entertaining clients, your interviewer may ask if you drink and smoke, hoping the answer will be, “yes, he**ily.” some jobs may require the candidate to drink and smoke so they can “better entertain” clients at seedy ktv parlors and boozy luncheons.


this may sound like a dream job for some, but for others it would be quite the opposite. if you find yourself faced with such questions, don’t be afraid to ask frank questions in return and h**e your potential employer clarify what exactly will be expected of you. it’ll s**e you both a lot of time, and hangovers, in the long run.


language ambush

語言埋伏。anyone searching for jobs in china will h**e noticed that the phrase “mandarin skills are a plus” crops up a lot on adverts for jobs aimed at foreigners. you may h**e alluded to some chinese skills in your application, but how will these claims actually be tested? while a potential employer may ask to see certificates of any hsk exams or other chinese qualifications you h**e, it’s much more likely they they’ll just ambush you suddenly at the beginning of the interview to assess your level themselves. even if you’re fairly confident of your chinese skills, be sure to brush up on a few key phrases and vocab related to your experience and the job before your interview. if you’re fresh off the boat and still can’t ask where the nearest toilet is, it’s probably best to be completely honest about this in your application so you can **oid this stressful interview aspect all together.


is it really that bad???


yes and no. basically, it entirely depends on the job and company you’re applying to. just as in the west, some interviews here may be casual, easy-going conversations, while others may require several rounds of drilling, interrogation and tests. as forest gump’s mamma taught him oh so well, you never know what you’re gonna get.



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