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「有權。幾乎是法律條文和合同條款出現頻率最高的字眼,在法律英語中,表示「有權做某事」的詞彙也很多,如h**e the right (privilege, benefit, concession, prerogative) to, h**e the power/authority to, be entitled to (h**e the entitlement to), reserve the right to等。


1) h**e the right to do

h**e the right to do是最常見,使用最廣的表達。


working people who are members of rural economic collective h**e the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm plots of cropland and hilly land allotted for their private use, engage in household sideline production and raise privately owned livestock.)(中華人民共和國憲法》)


except in special circumstances as specified by law, all cases in the people』s courts are heard in public. the accused has the right to defence. )中華人民共和國憲法》)

總之,凡需要翻譯的「有權」不涉及明顯的「職權」、「權」或「特權」時,用 h**e the right to去表述往往是最合適的,見《元照英美法詞典》。

where the obligee does not notify the obligor its division, consolidation or change of domicile so as to make it difficult for the obligor to perform the obligation she obligor has right to suspend to perform or h**e the subject matter deposited.


2) be entitled to do

be entitled to do暗含某種小小的「特權」。


in addition, an employee who has served the company for three years is entitled to retrenchment benefit.


the party a is entitled to inspect, or to h**e its agent inspect, the goods at the party b's place of business or point of shipping]


3) reserve the right to

reserve the right to蘊含某種「居高臨下」的權,可能還有帶有一定的威脅語氣。

翻譯時,我們通常將reserve the right to譯為「保留。的權利」,處理為「有權。的情況也很多。

reserve the right to 是一種典型的「自留權」,即保留給處於「強勢」地位的行為主體自己使用、主要表示「權力」(而並非「權利」)主張的詞語,其主語一般都是 we、i 或本公司,不可以是第二或第三人稱(如寫成 you/he shall reserve the right)。

some bars reserve the right to refuse entrance to teenagers.

有些酒吧有權禁止 19 歲以下青少年入內。)

you h**e a legal right to cancel your registration if you notify contact expats that you wish to do so within seven working days from when contact expats notifies you your registration has been accepted. .we reserve the right to take whatever action we deem necessary to prevent such breaches including the following: .contact expats reserves the right to withdraw or modify any aspect of the contact expats service where we h**e legal or technical reasons to do so. (

we reserve the right to amend (add to, delete or change) the terms of this terms of payment and the echeck service. we may terminate your use of the echeck service at any time, without cause or prior notice. (from the echeck service terms of payment,

4) h**e the power to

h**e (the) power to通常指職能上被法律或上級賦予的「權力」。

if there is no person claiming under the company who is willing to accept an order upon such

terms, the court shall h**e power to vest the estate and interest of the company in the property in any person liable either personally or in a representative character,..


notwithstanding subsection (5), the registrar, when exercising the jurisdiction conferred by this section, shall not h**e power to make an order for the committal of a person for contempt of court.

即使有第 5 款的規定,司法常務官在行使本條所授予的司法管轄權時,並無權力作出命令,以某人犯藐視法庭罪而將其交付羈押。)(香港公司條例》)


the national people』s congress elects,and has the power to recall, members of its standing committee.)


5) h**e the authority to


in government, authority is often used interchangeably with「power」 .however, their meanings differ: while 「power」 is defined as 「the ability to influence somebody to do something that he/she would not h**e done, 「authority」 refers to a claim of legitimacy, the justification and right to exercise that power. for example, while a mob has the power to punish a criminal, for example by lynching, people who believe in the rule of law consider that only a court of law has the authority to punish a criminal. (



although the constitution guarantees that salaries of federal judges appointed according to article iii cannot be reduced, congress and the president h**e the authority to raise or not to raise the judges』 pay.

警察和法院有權在發生對婦女的暴力行為時下達並強制執行保護和禁止令,包括將行為人從住所中帶走,禁止在住所內外與被害人和其他受影響當 事人進一步接觸,並有權下達和強制執行子女支助和監護令,以及對違反這些 命令的行為處以刑罰。

police and courts h**e the authority to issue and enforce protection and restraining or barring orders in cases of violence against women, including removal of the perpetrator from the domicile and prohibition of further contact with the victim and other affected parties, inside and outside the domicile, to issue and enforce child support and custody orders and to impose penalties for breaches of those orders.

參考:1. 中華人民共和國憲法 62714.htm; 英文本源自中華人民共和國***法制局編譯,中國法制出版社出版的《中華人民共和國涉外法規彙編》(1991 年7月版 ):1047764.htm.

2. 中華人民共和國公司法htp:

3. 元照英美法詞典[z].北京: 法律出版社,2003.

4. 香港法律第 32章《公司條例》.

5. 香港特別行政區基本法。

6. 李克興。 論法律文字中「權利」和「權力」的表述和翻譯(1000-873x (2012) 04-0098-06)



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