
2023-08-25 16:40:17 字數 3885 閱讀 6558


according to article 41 of the law of the people's republic of china on exit and entry administration, foreigners working in china shall obtain work permits and work type residence certificates in accordance with the provisions. no unit or individual may employ foreigners who h**e not obtained work permits or work type residence certificates. so what are the general procedures for employers to hire foreigners to work in china? taking shenzhen as an example, today, xino will briefly introduce to everyone.


the employer logs in to the shenzhen foreigner integrated service management platform,website: fill in unit filing information and upload materials to review.


application for notification letter of foreigner’s work permit before entry

用人單位登入深圳市外國人綜合服務管理平台——選擇“申請外國人工作許可通知書(入境前)”模組—— 選擇人才類別(根據申請人的條件,選擇a、b、c類之一),按系統提示如實填寫個人和用人單位的聘用相關資訊並按系統附件提示的材料上傳附件後提交系統審核。

the employer logs in to the shenzhen foreigner integrated service management platform - select "apply for notice of foreigner's work permit" (before entry)” module - select the talent category (select one of categories a, b and c according to the applicant's conditions), fill in the employment related information of individuals and employers according to the system prompts. upload the materials according to the system attachment prompts and submit them for system review.

審核通過後,系統將自動生成《外國人工作許可通知》,並通過網上系統資訊交換至***門(駐外使、領館),用人單位可在系統自行**《外國人工作許可通知》並傳送給申請人。申請人憑《外國人工作許可通知》及其他辦理簽證所需材料到所選定的駐外使、 領館辦理z字簽證入境。

if the decision is passed, the system will automatically generate the notification letter of foreigner’s work permit and exchange the information to the foreign affairs department (embassies and consulates abroad) through the online system. the employer can download the notification letter of foreigner’s work permit in the system and send it to the applicant. the applicant shall apply for z-visa at the selected embassies and consulates abroad on the strength of the notification letter of foreigner’s work permit and other materials required for visa.


apply for foreigner's work permit and a work-type residence permit after entering the country


the employer logs in to the shenzhen foreigner integrated service management platform - select “application for foreigner work permit (after entry)” modular, select residence permit (for the first time), fill in relevant information truthfully according to the system prompt. upload relevant materials according to the attachment list. after the online preliminary review is passed, you need to make an appointment on the system and go to the site at the appointed time.


go to the site for material verification and interview according to the appointment time. if the materials are correct and complete, and the interview is successful, submit the materials, hand in the passport, get the acceptance receipt on the spot, and get 2 permits 7 working days; if the materials are incomplete, make an appointment again after all the materials are ready. 7 working days after handing in the passport, you can take the acceptance receipt to the site to get the foreigner's work permit and passport (work-type residence has been pasted in the passport); if you choose to mail, just wait for mail.


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