
2023-08-09 12:52:41 字數 3627 閱讀 2724

phd position: outcome modeling in proton therapy

we welcome applications for a 4 year phd position at the laboratory of experimental radiotherapy in the department of oncology at ku leuven. our lab is investing in the optimization of individual patient-tailored radiation oncology treatments (photon-based radiotherapy and proton therapy). for this purpose we are building and validating accurate prediction models for treatment outcome. clinical, dosimetric and quantitative imaging data of the patient are explored in these modeling analyses.



you will be collaborating in an ongoing research track investigating photon-based radiotherapy/proton therapy outcome prediction models in esophageal cancer and lung cancer.

the main goal of the project is to improve the accuracy of our prediction models based on the analysis of large patient datasets of uz leuven and international research partners. secondly, online updating of prediction models will be investigated by prospectively learning from every treated patient.

for the modeling part, innovative techniques (dosiomics, radiomics etc.) will be explored with emphasis on fitting the data of the new proton therapy era. for online updating, a framework will be developed based on the prospective data collection of the european protect phase iii trial randomizing between photon-based radiotherapy and proton therapy in esophageal cancer. this trial is currently running in uz leuven/particle (particle therapy interuniversity center leuven).

finally, models and framework will be connected to a health economic model developed simultaneously by a research team at ugent. this way the costs and benefits of potential treatments will be weighed leading to a cost-effective model-based patient selection for proton therapy.



在建模部分,將探索創新技術(劑量組學、放射組學等),重點是適應新質子**時代的資料。**更新方面,將在歐洲 protect iii 期試驗的前瞻性資料收集基礎上開發乙個框架,在食道癌的光子放療和質子**之間進行隨機選擇。這項試驗目前正在魯汶大學/particle(魯汶大學粒子**中心)進行。


the research will take place at ku leuven under supervision of prof. dr. karin haustermans and co-supervision of dr.ir. gilles defraene.


you h**e completed a master in (biomedical) engineering, (medical) physics, applied mathematics or industrial engineering.

a background in the field of radiotherapy is a plus

you h**e experience with matlab software, python language or the equivalents.

you h**e the qualities to carry out independent research as well as to function in a team.

you are motivated, ambitious, open to challenges and h**e an enquiring mind.

you h**e an excellent command of spoken and written english language.



具有使用 matlab 軟體、python 語言或類似語言的經驗。





for more information please contact prof. dr. karin haustermans, mail: [email protected] or dr. ir. gilles defraene, mail: [email protected].

you can apply for this job no later than september 12, 2023 via the online application tool

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