案例解析 一起來看看EI會議高手是怎麼寫論文摘要的?

2023-09-22 12:23:34 字數 3429 閱讀 6055



the students in vocational colleges are weak in mathematical calculation, which affects the teaching quality of engineering mechanics. in order to improve teaching quality, the research team propose a solution strategy combining simulation calculation and mathematical integral calculation. this article carried on the teaching practice starting from a typical problem raised by the students. the finite element model was established and simulated on a computer. the mises stress nephogram and date were obtained by the simulation calculation, which solved the students』 doubts. these visual materials provide support for the students to understand the abstract concepts of engineering mechanics. however, the simulation only described the final results and the students could not get the specific calculation process from the finite element model. subsequently, the detailed integral calculation process was sorted out by the teachers, which helped the students understand the strain accumulation of the prism. the result of integral calculation is 0.1143 mm, which is very close to the result of the simulation (0.1123 mm). the finite element analysis and calculus calculation process were sorted into the teaching materials of engineering mechanics. subsequently, a teaching practice was applied to a class of 35 students. teaching evaluation shows that teaching quality has been significantly improved. on the one hand, digital materials such as stress nephogram h**e the characteristics of visualization, which provides convenience for students to understand complex mechanics concepts. on the other hand, students』 interest in learning has been enhanced, and classroom interaction has increased significantly. this study provides a new way to answer complex questions in engineering mechanics teaching, which should be paid more attention and explored by more scholars.





研究結果與資料:該文的研究結果是提出了結合模擬計算和數學積分計算的教學方法,並對其進行了驗證。具體來說,研究團隊通過模擬計算得到了準確的mises應力值,即0.1123mm。同時,他們還對積分計算過程進行了詳細的梳理,並得到了相同的結果。這些結果表明了該教學方法的有效性和可靠性。摘要中的這句話:「the result of integral calculation is 0.1143 mm, which is very close to the result of the simulation (0.1123 mm).





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