10月19日 E PORTS航運新聞簡報

2023-10-19 12:05:05 字數 2986 閱讀 1206


in mid-october, the fashion brand zara's parent company, inditex, announced its commitment to using maersk's green fuel vessels for all maritime shipments. both maersk and inditex h**e set a target to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040.

近日,馬士基、赫伯羅特和達飛輪船公布了針對歐盟排放交易體系(eu ets)的費用,估計每teu的費用在7歐元至105歐元之間。從明年1月起,歐盟排放交易體系將適用於所有進出歐盟或在歐盟水域內運營的船舶。

recently, maersk, hapag-lloyd, and cma cgm announced the charges for the european union emissions trading system (eu ets), estimating costs ranging from 7 euros to 105 euros per teu. starting from january next year, the eu ets will apply to all vessels entering or operating within eu waters.


on october 17th, it is reported that with careful maintenance by the jiangsu maritime authority, the world's first 700-container all-electric container ship, named n997, successfully conducted a trial run in the yizheng-jieshu waterway on the 16th. this vessel is china's first self-designed, self-developed, and independently owned all-electric container ship for river-sea transportation. it is also one of the largest-tonnage electric ship projects under construction in the country and represents the first batch of green zero-carbon pilot ship types.


in mid-november, zim is expanding its south america west coast service through a new route named "zat". this new route offers direct access to ports such as la serena caldera, buen**entura, guayaquil, and san antonio. the service will provide a direct connection between northern china, south korea, mexico, and the west coast of south america. it is expected to employ 11 vessels with capacities ranging from 3,500 to 4,500 teu, with a 77-day cycle time.


in mid-october, japanese shipping company mitsui o.s.k. lines (mol) announced that it would deploy spacex's starlink satellite internet service on 233 oceangoing vessels managed by its ship management subsidiary. the initial installation for approximately 140 vessels is expected to be completed during the 2023 fiscal year (april 2023 - march 2024).

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