
2023-10-30 00:40:18 字數 6512 閱讀 9000





参考译文】why was the jia family confiscated only after lin daiyu's death the secret lies in a pill she often took. as the saying goes, wealth does not last more than three generations. countless prestigious families in ancient times could not escape this fate, and the jia family in a dream of red mansions was no exception. however, their decline was not without reason. in the novel, the jia family

was confiscated only after lin daiyu's death. the reason for this sequence is actually in line with cao xueqin's original intention. from the very beginning, cao xueqin had set up the ending for all the characters. in the chapter where daiyu buries flowers, the poem "a lament for burying flowers" fully hints at daiyu's fate, as well as the fates of other characters in the grand view garden. the l

ine "pure by nature, she comes and goes, stronger than filth and mud" not only implies that lin daiyu did not marry baoyu or anyone else in the end, but also suggests that she did not experience the decline of the jia family. after the confiscation of the jia family, the fate of the women was extremely tragic. they were either sold or imprisoned and bullied. daiyu would not h**e experienced any of

this. therefore, it was only after daiyu's death that the jia family was confiscated. the reason why the jia family was confiscated after daiyu's death was hidden in the ginseng nourishing pills she often took. as we all know, lin daiyu's previous life was a crimson pearl grass, which later cultivated into human form. therefore, the ginseng in the ginseng nourishing pills represents lin daiyu. an

d the jia family where lin daiyu lived happened to be the rongguo mansion. the meaning of "nourishing the glory with ginseng" is that lin daiyu sustained the rongguo mansion. this point is also clearly explained in the text. lin daiyu's father, lin ruhai, also came from a wealthy family, and was on par with the jia family in terms of social status. that's why the jia family married jiamin, who was

most f**ored by lady jia, into the lin family. compared to the jia family, the lin family's wealth was equally impressive. however, in lin ruhai's generation, the family's fortunes declined and both of lin daiyu's parents passed away, le**ing all the family's fortune to lin daiyu. wang xifeng once said, "if only we could h**e another two or three million taels of silver." two or three million tae

ls of silver is not a small amount, and it is not easily obtained. it is precisely the fortune of the lin family. in fact, when daiyu entered the jia family, the decline of the jia family had already begun. it was precisely because of the lin family's fortune that the jia family managed to survive for so many years. however, once daiyu died, there was no one to sustain the prosperity of the jia fa

mily, and it quickly fell into decline. daiyu's death triggered the decline of the jia family and also exposed the problems within the family. the jia family was able to maintain its prosperity with daiyu's support, but once it lost this pillar, it could no longer continue to develop. this reveals a practical question, that is, the continuity and development of a family requires a stable economic

foundation. although the jia family was once a wealthy family, due to the concentration of wealth in daiyu's hands and a lack of long-term planning and management, it eventually led to the family's decline. this is very similar to the challenges faced by family businesses in the real world. many family businesses often face difficulties in management, property distribution, and the selection of su

ccessors after the founder's death. therefore, in addition to maintaining financial independence and stable development, family businesses also need to establish effective inheritance mechanisms and long-term planning to ensure the continuity and prosperity of the family. in conclusion, the reason why the jia family was confiscated after lin daiyu's death was because her departure led to the decli

ne of the jia family. the secret of the jia family's confiscation lies in the ginseng nourishing pills that daiyu often took. the ginseng in the pills symbolizes her support for the jia family, and her death means that the jia family lost this support. the jia family was able to maintain its prosperity with daiyu's property and influence, but due to a lack of long-term planning and management, it

eventually led to the decline of the family. this provides profound insights for family businesses in the real world. in addition to maintaining financial independence and stable development, family businesses need to establish effective inheritance mechanisms and long-term planning to ensure the continuity and prosperity of the family. so, how do you think family businesses should handle the issu

es of inheritance and development please share your thoughts in the comments.


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