270 极简美学,用留白诠释至简至美

2023-10-27 14:30:05 字數 2816 閱讀 4277




residents can enjoy the outdoor natural beauty through the wide french window. properly cut green plants h**e a unique meaning. the solitary green fields may seem lonely, but in reality, they exude a rich artistic beauty, creating a **and elegant romantic atmosphere, with an artistic atmosphere filling the interior.


***and pure white is the main color tone of the space, with a **layout and a spacious space for residents to freely move around. the unique elevated design attracts the attention of visitors.


the lightweight texture fills the space, bringing a relaxed and comfortable feeling to the residents. with appropriate white space, it brings a unique quality of life to the residents. due to the presence of blank spaces, the visual sense of space seems to be constantly enlarged and transparent and spacious.


the meaning of le**ing blank is worth s**oring carefully. the selected material has a unique texture and also gives a unique aesthetic feeling to the white space, creating a lively and joyful spatial atmosphere. against the calm and atmospheric black walls, the frosted texture of ceramics is more eye-catching, elegant and charming.


the designer considered the small footprint of the space, so they chose an open space layout, *the living space more spacious, with less decoration, but everywhere bright spots. the **and fashionable black edge decoration exudes a strong sense of fashion. poetry and distant places can be found at home without any deliberate pursuit.


the bathtub is fashionable klein blue, with bold colors that seem to break free from shackles and embrace freedom, with a profound meaning. the black lines outline the blank space, which is very interesting.


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