英汉语习语互译 “大人物”英语怎么说?

2023-10-29 11:40:26 字數 1726 閱讀 9222


the big cheese


该习语中的the cheese最初是quality(质量)的同义表达,但现在我们常用cheesy来表示“劣质的;虚假的;有臭味的”。该习语的字面意思是“大块的奶酪”,用来喻指“the most important person”,即“最重要的人”,相当于汉语里的“大人物;重要人物;高层(领导)”。


here comes the big cheese himself! h**e we got the red carpet out?


angela thought he was the big cheese, but in fact he was only one of the maggots!


could be. i know the big cheese has been talking about down-sizing. if that's the case, some of us will definitely lose our jobs.



该习语在二十世纪初从欧洲传到了美国,但最初是表示“财富或名望”,如著名作家欧亨利在其作品《unprofessional servant》(1910)这么写道:

"del had crawled from some tenth **enue basement like a lean rat and had bitten his way into the big cheese...he had danced his way into fame in sixteen minutes."

而该习语表示“大人物”的用法要出现得稍晚些时间,2023年6月在报纸《the olean evening times》中有一篇题为“in honour of the mayor of olean”的文章中有这么一段话:

"foley, say there, foley, with your hair of reddish hue

and your irish smile, begorra!

blarneyed them into meeting you.

the big mayor of olean fair,you're the big cheese on the scene.

foley, tell us, foley, is your city song

the wearin of the green?"



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