
2023-10-30 11:10:24 字數 3356 閱讀 4918



一)重婚;either party to the marriage commits bigamy;

二)有禁止结婚的亲属关系;the parties to the marriage fall within the relative relations prohibited by law from marrying each other; or

三)未到法定婚龄。either party to the marriage is under the statutory marriageable age.





if a marriage is entered into as a result of coercion, the coerced party may apply to the people’s court to annul the marriage.

such an application to annul the marriage shall be made within one year from the date of the coercive act ceases.

where the coerced party whose personal freedom is illegally constrained wishes to annul the marriage, the application to annul the marriage shall be made within one year from the date when the party’s personal freedom is restored.


if one of the parties suffers from a serious disease, he shall truthfully inform the other party of such disease prior to marriage registration; where such information is not truthfully provided, the other party may apply to the people’s court to annul the marriage.


the application to annul a marriage shall be made within one year from the date when the party knows or should h**e known of the cause for the annulment.


a void or annulled marriage has no legal effect ab initio, and neither party to such a marriage shall h**e any rights or duties arising from the marital relationship. properties acquired during the cohabitation period shall be disposed of by mutual agreement. where the parties fail to reach such an agreement, the people’s court shall adjudicate the case in compliance with the principle of f**oring the no-fault party. when disposing of the property acquired during a marriage which has been voided due to bigamy, the proprietary rights and interests of the parties to the lawful marriage shall not be infringed upon.


the provisions of this code on parents and children shall apply to the children born by the parties to a void or annulled marriage.


the amendment further broadened the incidence of the law, to include marriage annulment, declaration that the marriage was void and separation according to religious law that does not allow divorce, in addition to divorce.


the amendment added section 5a(a), according to which, the court may allow, under certain circumstances, the realization of the right to division of property, namely the right of each spouse to half of the couple’s total property, prior to the divorce or the marriage annulment in each of the aforementioned forms.


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