金科前沿 2023年9月CEPR FRB金融科技工作论文速览

2023-10-22 07:10:33 字數 6064 閱讀 6731

当下,金融科技发展十分迅速,金融科技的应用也延伸到金融行业的方方面面,包括监管科技、数字货币、智能金融、银行科技等,这引发了许多学者和政策研究者的广泛关注。针对这些问题,经济政策研究中心(cepr)、美联储(frb)在工作**中进行了较为深入的讨论。中国人民大学金融科技研究所(微信id:ruc_fintech)对2023年9月部分工作**进行了摘录,供读者快速了解金融科技前沿研究内容。**cepr & frb‍‍‍编译 | 李煜坤,付余鹭。


the green energy transition and the 2023 banking crisis绿色能源转型与2023年银行危机

作者:francesco d'ercole, alexander f. wagner

核心内容:this study examines the stock price reactions of environmentally responsible stocks during the onset of the 2023 banking crisis, triggered by the collapse of silicon valley bank (svb). our findings indicate that stocks poised to benefit from the shift to a low-carbon economy underperformed during the 2023 crisis. this suggests that investors anticipate a slowdown in climate tech development due to distress in the banking sector. our results underscore the significance of considering not only the influence of the climate crisis on financial stability, but also the pivotal role that financial stability plays in ensuring a successful energy transition.


money and banking with reserves and cbdc货币和银行与储备金和 cbdc

作者:dirk niepelt

核心内容:we analyze the role of retail central bank digital currency (cbdc) and reserves when banks exert deposit market power and liquidity transformation entails externalities. optimal monetary architecture minimizes the social costs of liquidity provision and optimal monetary policy follows modified friedman (1969) rules. interest rates on reserves and cbdc should differ. calibrations robustly suggest that cbdc provides liquidity more efficiently than deposits unless the central bank must refinance banks and this is very costly. accordingly, the optimal share of cbdc in payments tends to exceed that of deposits.

我们分析了零售央行数字货币(cbdc)和储备金在银行发挥存款市场力量和流动性转换带来外部性时的作用。最优货币结构可使提供流动性的社会成本最小化,最优货币政策遵循修正的弗里德曼(1969)规则。准备金利率与 cbdc 利率应有所不同。校准稳健地表明,除非**银行必须对银行进行再融资,而再融资的成本非常高,否则,与存款相比,cbdc 提供流动性的效率更高。因此,cbdc 在支付中的最佳份额往往超过存款。


data privacy for digital asset systems数字资产系统的数据隐私

作者:jillian mascelli

核心内容:data privacy in digital asset systems is of sustained importance to end users. however, there can be disconnect between an end user’s expectations of privacy while using a digital asset payment system and the system’s actual treatment of collected, stored, and used data. this **provides foundational primer on data privacy alongside qualitative and technical assessments of various approaches to data privacy frameworks and strategies relevant to the early stages of a digital asset system’s design. analysis relies initially on an outlay of foundational data privacy concepts, including anonymity, confidentiality, and full disclosure, alongside three differing approaches to data privacy frameworks. analysis finds that some concepts, such as a desire for “cash-like anonymity,” are based on false underlying assumptions. the **moves away from a likely unattainable standard of anonymity and instead focuses on a hybrid approach to data privacy, inclusive of c**oukian’s privacy-by-design and popular applications of privacy-by-policy. this hybrid approach is visualized with a technical comparison of privacy-enhancing technologies (pet) across architectural layers, detailing both popular and emerging pets relevant to digital asset systems which prioritize a hybrid approach to confidentiality. the **further finds that a particular combination of popular and emerging technologies may provide as-yet untested but novel benefits to maintaining strong confidentiality – and possibly end users’ expectations of privacy – while data is under audit. a nuanced approach, rather than a reliance on a singular novel pet or dubious assurances of anonymity, may best facilitate strong confidentiality with sustainable end-user privacy protections for digital asset system users.

数字资产系统中的数据隐私对终端用户来说至关重要。然而,终端用户在使用数字资产支付系统时对隐私的期望与系统对收集、存储和使用数据的实际处理之间可能存在脱节。本文提供了有关数据隐私的基础知识,并对与数字资产系统早期设计阶段相关的数据隐私框架和策略的各种方法进行了定性和技术评估。分析最初依赖于对基本数据隐私概念的概述,包括匿名性、保密性和完全公开,以及数据隐私框架的三种不同方法。分析发现,一些概念,如对 “类似现金的匿名性”的渴望,是基于错误的基本假设。本文摒弃了可能无法实现的匿名标准,转而关注数据隐私的混合方法,包括c**oukian的“设计隐私”(privacy-by-design)和“政策隐私”(privacy-by-policy)的流行应用。通过对各架构层的隐私增强技术(pet)进行技术比较,对这种混合方法进行了可视化,详细介绍了与数字资产系统相关的流行和新兴的隐私增强技术,这些技术优先采用混合保密方法。本文进一步发现,流行技术和新兴技术的特定组合可在数据接受审计时提供尚未测试但新颖的优势,以保持高度的保密性,并可能满足最终用户对隐私的期望。采取细致入微的方法,而不是依赖单一的新型pet或可疑的匿名保证,可能最有利于为数字资产系统用户提供强大的保密性和可持续的最终用户隐私保护。

tokenization: overview and financial stability implications

代币化: 概述及对金融稳定的影响

作者:francesca carapella, grace chuan, jacob gerszten, chelsea hunter, nathan swem

核心内容:in this **we outline tokenization, which is a new and rapidly growing financial innovation in crypto asset markets, and we discuss potential benefits and financial stability implications. tokenization refers to the process of constructing digital representations (crypto tokens) for non-crypto assets (reference assets). as we discuss below, tokenizations create interconnections between the digital asset ecosystem and the traditional financial system. at sufficient scale, tokenized assets could transmit volatility from crypto asset markets to the markets for the crypto token's reference assets.




延伸阅读】imf | 评估加密资产的宏观金融风险。

bis | atlas项目:绘制去中心化的金融世界imf | 银行数字货币产品开发5p方法和研发指南狄刚:数字人民币智能合约的三大优势、五大建设理念以及五个发展方向金科前沿 | 2023年9月imf、bis金融科技工作**速览。


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