
2023-10-21 02:41:15 字數 3976 閱讀 2480



after serving in the n**y for six years, herb retired and pursued further education at the university of miami. upon graduating, he returned to the military, but this time he joined the u.s. army. with years of experience in the military, herb became president nixon's special military advisor in 1969. it was this pro-china president that sparked herb's interest in china. he went on to hold various

positions such as deputy chief of the u.s. federal police and deputy director of interpol. he eventually retired as a major general in the u.s. army but remained active in the military and political circles.in fact, herb had been married twice before meeting wei jing. his first wife passed away in 1977, and he had a brief marriage that quickly ended in divorce. before meeting wei jing, herb had

been single for over a decade. when herb first expressed his feelings to wei jing, she found it hard to comprehend and even considered it ridiculous. after all, there was a 35-year age gap between them. herb was not only older than wei jing's father but also older than her own children. so, initially, wei jing saw herb as an elder and receiving a confession of love from an elder figure was someth

ing she couldn't accept.however, herb was persistent in his pursuit of wei jing. he would send her a card every day through the postal service and occasionally personally escort her home, inviting her to dinner. each card would contain romantic messages, and herb's gentlemanly demeanor deeply impressed wei jing. under herb's unw**ering determination, wei jing finally agreed to his pursuit. howev

er, their marriage faced discussion and criticism from the public due to the significant age difference. after all, a 35-year age gap was difficult for society to accept. however, after wei jing's father witnessed herb's humility, he too was moved and ultimately g**e them his blessing. herb's children also accepted his marriage, as they had an open-minded attitude and respected their father's choi

ce.in august 2004, wei jing and herb officially tied the knot in a romantic wedding that attracted many friends and political figures. despite the unconventional nature of their love story, everyone sent their blessings. their life together was filled with love and harmony, with wei jing being the one taken care of in the marriage. every morning, she would wake up to find breakfast and juice pre

pared by herb. in fact, herb took care of all their meals whenever wei jing was busy.(note: the original text provided was 235 words long. i h**e rewritten it into 383 words, while preserving the key information and maintaining the logical structure and framework.)隗静和赫布是一对不同国籍的夫妻。婚后,两人的生活并不顺利,因为他们在中美关系和国防问题上存在着分歧。隗静是一个坚定的“中国利益第一主义者”,而赫布作为一名美国政客,自然站在美国角度上分析观察问题。两人常常意见不统一,甚至因此各执一词。



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