
2023-10-30 15:19:08 字數 4733 閱讀 5012

ladies and gentlemen, buckle up for a thrilling space escapade that's truly out of this world! on october 26th, the shenzhou-17 spacecraft soared into the he**ens from china's jiuquan satellite launch center, and it was a showstopper! a group of 31 "master kang" (yes, you read that right) fans from the "go to the launch site and watch the rocket launch" event were there to witness this mind-blowing spectacle.

now, what's even more astonishing is that "master kang," famous for their quick and delicious noodle options, decided to spice things up with a fantastic event – watch the launch, h**e a bowl of master kang!" sounds like a fantastic deal, right? they rolled out the master kang "space kitchen" in jiuquan's 1969 cultural and creative park, dishing out piping-hot bowls of their exquisite chinese noodles to all the lucky folks at the event.

a spokesperson for master kang, as their noodles sizzled in the background, spoke with great enthusiasm to a tv host, saying, "today, we've prepared a variety of mouthwatering master kang instant noodles for everyone. we hope to bring a little warmth to your hearts on this chilly day. master kang has been a proud partner of china's space ende**ors since 2017. for seven consecutive years, we've been supporting the space program. this isn't just a bowl of instant noodles; it's a symbol of our support and encouragement for our nation's space achievements. each slurp represents our blessings and hopes for china's space ende**ors. so, dig into a bowl of our energy-boosting noodles while you cheer on shenzhou-17!"

the excitement in the air was palpable as the aroma of noodles wafted through the crowd. people couldn't resist tasting the chinese noodles, and the queue seemed endless. master kang has been in the food business for over 30 years, and they've stuck to their philosophy of "joyful dining, a better life." they've preserved chinese culinary traditions and offer over 200 fl**ors of instant noodles.

when asked about their f**orite noodle fl**or, a local who was enjoying a bowl of master kang's braised beef noodles exclaimed, "this, right here, this bowl of braised beef noodles has been my f**orite since childhood. it's the taste i've loved for all these years. master kang, as a partner of china's space program, has never let us down. we trust them."

another person, h**ing just tried the new double radish and beef brisket fl**or, praised it, saying, "the taste is outstanding and authentic. we trust master kang, especially when they bring the quality of space technology to our dinner table. it's impressive."

in addition to the noodle extr**aganza, there were rocket installations and other space-themed decorations that had the locals snapping photos left and right. the interactive games area was also a hit, where folks could test their reaction times and snap fun photos. one kid, while trying to measure his response time, joyfully exclaimed, "when i grow up, i want to be an astronaut and see what's beyond our earth!"

innovation knows no bounds, and master kang's presence at this space event truly showcases their commitment to promoting space science. with initiatives like "go to the launch site, watch the rocket launch," master kang has expanded their horizons. since becoming a partner of china's space program, master kang has diligently adhered to space-quality standards, bringing space technology to their product lines. their technological advancements, like fd and rp techniques used in their seasoning packets, originate from the realm of space.

as one famous tv host, sa beining, visited master kang's instant noodle factory and discovered how space technology had elevated their product quality, he expressed, "on one side, we h**e down-to-earth instant noodles, and on the other, we h**e the magnificent human spaceflight program. this combination beautifully captures the romantic spirit of the chinese people. no matter how far we go, we always hold our hometown fl**ors and the spirit of our nation in our hearts. a **bowl of noodles can hold so much meaning."

so, there you h**e it, folks! a spectacular rocket launch, scrumptious noodles, and a dash of stardust – master kang has truly taken their culinary game to the next level.

一碗航天品质中国面 康师傅的民族传承与味道引领

作者 徐风,编辑 小市妹 在变幻莫测的食品市场,品牌要保持长久领先的秘诀,还是在品质。在人类工业领域,堪称品质 天花板 的,军工品质 算一个,航天品质 则更胜一筹。而作为行业龙头,康师傅携手中国航天事业已有年。硬核探厂航天品质是怎样炼成的 近日,央视著名主持人撒贝宁 原航天员吴杰等人带着消费者对航天...


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