
2023-10-27 12:25:02 字數 9864 閱讀 3086

2023: china's economic transformation in the face of uncertaintythe year 2023 is shrouded in uncertainty, with changing consumer habits, intense market competition, and diminishing dividends. in such an unpredictable period, what is the direction for the development of the chinese economy how can we break through the challenges on october 20th, the renowned economist ren zeping, along with a hun

dred small and medium-sized business owners, visited the mousse super dream factory for a study tour. they engaged in discussions with vice chairman of mousse group, yao jiqing, and strategic marketing expert duan chuanmin, delving into the profound insights on the future of china's macroeconomic trends, business development, and brand cultivation. this exchange aimed to shed light on the new tren

ds in the chinese economy and share experiences in digitalization. in the era of transformation, it is crucial to cultivate internal strength and become leaders in the digital age. "the old economic laws will inevitably be replaced by new ones, and the chinese economy is currently transitioning from high-speed growth to high-quality development," ren zeping stated during the study tour. in the con

text of high-quality development, the current economy and society are entering a fast lane of digital transformation. as a leading brand in the soft furniture manufacturing industry, mousse group not only embraces the trend of industry informatization and intelligentization but also takes the lead in transformation and upgrading. through the perspective of ren zeping and his team, we can see that

the mousse super dream factory has departed from the traditional image of a "dirty, messy, and labor-intensive" manufacturing environment. instead, it showcases clean and tidy workshops, intelligent three-dimensional storage systems, and various intelligent robotic arms, with only a few workers present. many visiting participants exclaimed, "the speed of development in the manufacturing industry e

xceeds imagination. the scenes we used to believe were only in the automotive and mobile phone industries h**e already taken root in the home furniture manufacturing industry." it is understood that relying on its strong digital capabilities, the mousse super dream factory can currently produce 5,000 mattresses per day, with each mattress h**ing a unique code that can be traced through the entire

supply chain. yao jiqing, vice chairman and president of mousse group, introduced, "after achieving full automation and digital control, the production efficiency in the workshops has increased by 30%, and labor costs for individual products h**e decreased by 9%-59%. this not only shortens the production cycle and s**es costs but also ensures the quality of the products." in addition, mousse has a

lso achieved flexible production through the modularization and standardization of product designs, allowing for customized production of "one mattress, one design" to meet the personalized needs of customers while achieving large-scale production. this truly accomplishes the goal of "thousands of faces for thousands of people." the digitalization of the mattress production workshop at mousse gr

oup.as china's economy faces uncertainties and challenges, it is crucial to explore new paths for development. the rapid advancement of digitalization has become the driving force behind this transformation. the study tour to the mousse super dream factory not only revealed the digitalization experience of mousse group but also showcased the new trends in the chinese economy. in the face of chan

ging consumer habits and intense market competition, the chinese economy is transitioning from high-speed growth to high-quality development. the shift towards digitalization and intelligentization has become an inevitable trend. mousse group, as a leading brand in the soft furniture manufacturing industry, has not only embraced this trend but has also taken the lead in adopting new technologies a

nd achieving transformation and upgrading. the digitalization of the mattress production workshop at mousse group is a prime example of this. through the use of advanced technologies such as intelligent robotics and digital control systems, mousse has significantly improved production efficiency, reduced costs, and ensured product quality. furthermore, the company has also implemented modular and

standardized product designs, enabling flexible and customized production to meet the diverse needs of customers. this combination of digitalization and customization represents the future direction of the manufacturing industry. the digitalization of the mattress production workshop at mousse group.in the era of digitalization, companies that can adapt and seize opportunities will be the lead

ers in the market. the digital transformation of mousse group's mattress production workshop not only improves production efficiency but also enhances the overall competitiveness of the company. by embracing new technologies and innovative business models, mousse is able to meet the diverse and personalized needs of customers while achieving economies of scale. this digitalization journey is not l

imited to mousse group alone. it serves as a guiding light for other companies in the industry to follow. as the digitalization trend continues to sweep across various sectors, companies need to invest in research and development, improve their technological capabilities, and continuously innovate in order to stay ahead in the market. in addition, companies should also focus on talent cultivation

and create a f**orable environment for digital innovation. only by combining technology, talent, and innovation can companies truly achieve digital transformation and remain competitive in this ever-changing market. in conclusion, the year 2023 brings both challenges and opportunities for the chinese economy. the shift from high-speed growth to high-quality development has become the central the

me. in the face of uncertainty, digitalization has become the driving force behind this transformation. the study tour to the mousse super dream factory demonstrated the successful digitalization experience of mousse group and highlighted the new trends in the chinese economy. by embracing digitalization and adopting advanced technologies, companies can improve production efficiency, reduce costs,and meet the diverse needs of customers. however, this journey requires continuous investment in research and development, talent cultivation, and innovation. only by combining these elements can companies p**e the way for future success. as we enter a new era of digitalization, the question remains: how can companies in different industries embrace digital transformation and seize opportunities

in the ever-changing market慕思集团以数字化生产线为突破口,展示了其多年来深耕健康睡眠、坚持创新的精神。除了参观生产线,百位学员还有幸参观了慕思cnas实验室,这里是产品质量的试验场。无论是纤维含量检测,还是起毛起球测试和床垫边部耐久性测试,每一个细节都经过了严格的检测。慕思集团对产品设计和品质的追求可见一斑。企业家学员们纷纷赞叹慕思在睡眠研发方面的投入和细致程度。这并不是慕思超级梦工厂第一次受到如此高度赞扬。此前,知名财经作家吴晓波和人文财经观察家秦朔也都对慕思给予了高度评价。在宏观经济政策的调控下,中国制造业品牌正迎来新的发展机遇。作为软体家具制造业的领导者,慕思集团抓住了改革带来的机遇,不断构建并夯实自身在健康睡眠领域的领先地位,打造了强大的品牌势能。如何打造高端品牌?







任泽平 中国股市,还有救吗?

最近,中国的 再次陷入了动荡之中。然而,在这个千疮百孔的市场中,众多投资者不停地呼喊着求救,希望有人能够拯救他们的投资。于是,救市的声音再次响起,而其中一个重要的呼声是来自中国著名经济学者任泽平。任泽平在近期的一次讲话中,敦促 采取措施来挽救中国 他提出了三项重要的建议 不得 严惩财务造假,以及从融...



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