
2023-11-07 14:15:26 字數 1440 閱讀 3624

hi my friends. we all h**e 24 hours a day only, nobody can h**e more, right? it depends on how you use it for. doing the lowly valuable things or doing the highly valuable things?


it’s up to you. if you choose to do the lowly valuable things. useless, it’s just waste your time, right? but if you choose to do the highly valuable things, then you can earn a lot from that.


doing the lowly valuable things that is exactly like taking the regression ok. but doing the highly valuable things that is exactly like taking the progression yeah.


maybe you can’t see the progression in one or two days, but i’m sure that you will see that in 3 to 5 years. but most of people don’t want to see the progression in the long run.


they want to see in the short run. stupid ok. when you can see the progression in your visualization or in your mentality, and then you can h**e the persistence to do it in the long run.



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