小婧研学(3) 学习方法分享 费曼学习法

2023-11-17 20:45:18 字數 2238 閱讀 5614





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today, the editor brings you the " learning method sharing - feynman learning"

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思维导图mind mapping

概述overview:费曼学习法源于诺贝尔物理奖获得者理查德·费曼。这种方法的核心思想是通过将所学知识讲解给他人,来检验自己是否真正理解了所学内容。the feynman method of learning originated with nobel laureate richard feynman. the core idea of this approach is to test whether you really understand what you h**e learned by explaining it to others.步骤:steps:1.选择一个要学习的概念或知识点。

1. choose a concept or knowledge point to learn.2.想象自己正在向一个没有相关背景知识的人讲解这个概念或知识点。

2. imagine that you are explaining the concept or knowledge to someone who has no relevant background knowledge.3.在讲解的过程中,发现自己的知识漏洞或理解不足之处。3. in the process of explaining, find your own knowledge gaps or lack of understanding.4.重新学习这些知识漏洞或理解不足之处,直到自己能够清晰地讲解给他人。

4. relearn these gaps or gaps in understanding until you can explain them clearly to others.5.简化讲解内容,使其更加简洁易懂。

5. simplify the explanation to make it more concise and easy to understand.总结:


the advantage of the feynman method is that it helps learners to understand what they are learning deeply, identify gaps in their knowledge, and deepen their memory and understanding by relearning and simplifying explanations. in addition, by explaining what they h**e learned to others, learners can also improve their communication and presentation skills.今天的分享就到这里了。



that's all for today's sharing.

if you h**e a unique idea about the article,please le**e us a message,and let us meet tomorrow.

i wish you a nice day !




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