
2023-11-06 06:00:15 字數 4245 閱讀 7974

2023 beijing tongzhou canal half marathon: running through the historical accumulation of tongzhouon the morning of november 5th, the 2023 beijing tongzhou canal half marathon, which was awarded the gold medal event by the chinese athletics association, started at 8 a.m. on ziyun west road in tongzhou district. the race attracted more than 10,000 participants from both domestic and international

locations, allowing them to experience the historical and cultural accumulation of tongzhou and the humanistic landscapes along the canal on the 21.0975-kilometer track.the marathon route of this event runs through the beijing (tongzhou) grand canal cultural and tourism scenic area and the canal business district. it revolves around the northern urban section of the grand canal, connecting vari

ous urban landmarks and cultural landscapes such as the grand canal forest park, urban green heart forest park, cao yun wharf, and canal ecological park. participants in the race not only get to enjoy the beautiful scenery but also experience the blend of history in tongzhou.after intense competition, zhang yue won the men's half marathon with a time of 01:06:12, while liu min won the women's ha

lf marathon with a time of 01:13:51. worth mentioning is that the medals for this race are inspired by tongzhou's canal culture. the front of the medals feature the shape of tongzhou's map as the design background, with w**e elements at the bottom, symbolizing the canal culture. the top of the medal displays the event logo and name, while the bottom showcases the iconic landmarks of tongzhou, incl

uding the rangdeng tower, the canal cultural square, and the qianhe xielu bridge, one of the representative projects of the sub-center. the back of the medal is specially designed with an engr**ed plate, allowing participants to carve their names on it when they receive their race gear. they can then embed the plate into the medal upon finishing the race, creating a personalized memento.in addit

ion to the competitive aspect, this event also reserved 100 spots for charity runners, allowing participants to contribute to social welfare through running. the entire race was filled with a humanistic atmosphere, showcasing the historical and cultural heritage of tongzhou and the charm of its humanistic landscapes. in the future, the tongzhou canal half marathon will continue to be held, serving

as an important platform to showcase the charm of beijing and promote the canal culture.in conclusion, the 2023 beijing tongzhou canal half marathon fully demonstrated the charm of beijing and the historical and cultural accumulation of tongzhou during its organization. as a sports event, it not only focuses on the competition but also embraces a humanistic atmosphere and social responsibility.

in the future, we hope that more events can integrate sports, culture, and social responsibility, *contributions to the chinese sports industry and social welfare. what are your expectations and suggestions for future sports events feel free to le**e a comment.马拉松赛事为中国的慈善事业注入了新的活力,越来越多的人们通过这种方式为需要帮助的人伸出援手。最近,在2023北京通州运河半程马拉松比赛中,有一位“黑暗跑团”的选手与一位视障跑友一同参赛,这个故事令人感动。




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