
2023-11-07 17:20:31 字數 7466 閱讀 5135

c929: challenges and current situation of china-russia wide-body aircraft cooperationthe recent renaming of the sino-russian joint development wide-body aircraft cr929 to c929, with the removal of the "r" representing russia, has attracted attention and speculation about china-russia wide-body aircraft cooperation. currently, china's wide-body aircraft is still in the early design stage, and it

is estimated that it will not enter commercial operation until after 2030. the china-russia cooperation c929 project also faces many challenges and difficulties. what has led to this situationthe original intention and current situation of china-russia cooperationin the field of wide-body aircraft, china-russia cooperation began in 2014 when both countries had a common goal of developing a new

type of aircraft. internally, it could drive progress in other aerospace fields, and externally, it was a demand for long-haul transport routes. moreover, there were good complementary effects between the two sides in this field. russia inherited the technology from the soviet union and had experience in developing wide-body aircraft such as the il-96. china, on the other hand, had advantages in

software, electronic equipment, and experience in operating large-scale projects. the two sides quickly reached an agreement, and the cr929 project was born, which is the sino-russian joint long-range wide-body aircraft, with "c" and "r" representing the english initials of china and russia respectively.however, when the actual cooperation began, it was found that there were significant differen

ces in opinions between the two sides, resulting in an awkward positioning for the cr929. the russian side tried to design the cr929 as an "upgraded version" of the il-96, somewhat "conservative," with the intention of designing a four-engine wide-body aircraft. china, on the other hand, aimed to compete with aircraft like the airbus a350, and to go global and become a highly competitive new produ

ct. it is precisely because of the differences in design concepts that the cr929 project has been delayed. china has proposed many innovative design concepts, but russia still prefers stability.technical issues and challengesthe pursuit of a higher-level wide-body aircraft will require a longer development cycle, more research and development funding, and even the use of the power of western c

ountries. russia's concerns are not unfounded. what worries russia even more is that there has been no progress in research and development, despite h**ing a good foundation. the c929 engine under chinese standards requires a thrust of 35-40 tons, which is somewhat beyond russia's capabilities.russia finally designed the pd-35 engine for the c929, but the development has been hindered by issues

such as funding, technology, and parts. after entering 2022, russia became embroiled in a conflict with ukraine, and its defense spending was enough to give putin a headache, let alone the indefinitely delayed pd-35 project.future prospectsin terms of china-russia wide-body aircraft cooperation, we should see the challenges and difficulties of this project, rather than simply viewing it as a r

esult of china-russia "falling out." china-russia wide-body aircraft cooperation still has great potential and significance. both sides should deepen their cooperation in technology, funding, management, and overcome difficulties to jointly promote the progress of this project. the challenges and difficulties in the technical aspects of the china-russia cooperation c929 project are also opportunit

ies and driving forces for its future development. continuous technological upgrades and innovation are necessary to meet market conclusion, china-russia wide-body aircraft cooperation is a very important collaboration, not only between china and russia but also for the global **iation industry. it is hoped that both sides can continue to maintain good cooperation in this project and

promote its smooth development. at the same time, it is also hoped that more companies can join in the research and cooperation in this field, and jointly promote the development of the global **iation industry.what do you think about the challenges and prospects of china-russia wide-body aircraft cooperation how can the two countries overcome the difficulties and achieve successful cooperationc







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