
2023-11-28 11:20:15 字數 3314 閱讀 3396



红网时刻新闻记者 樊令钰 报道。


in the workshop of a rare and precious metals smelting company in the yongxing economic development zone, forklifts carrying scrap materials shuttle back and forth, showcasing the city's feature of "turning waste into treasure."


yongxing county has a history of over 300 years in rare and precious metal smelting. as early as the late ming dynasty and the early qing dynasty, yongxing people who dared to be pioneers opened up a unique mining road for rare and precious metals in the land with zero resources.


yongxing is acclaimed as the "silver capital of china" despite the absence of silver mines. it relies on an extensive national recycling network to efficiently repurpose various non-ferrous metal industrial wastes and urban minerals, achieving the recycling of rare and precious non-ferrous metals like gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, bismuth, selenium, and tellurium.


the county boasts 30 main comprehensive recycling enterprises of rare and precious metals and 10 deep-processing enterprises. annually processing over a million tons of metal-containing waste, they recovered more than 30 kinds of non-ferrous metals, creating a miracle of annual output of 10 tons of gold and 4,220 tons of silver. the silver production has maintained the top position in china for 16 consecutive years, while bismuth and tellurium jointly contribute to 50% of global production. the annual output value of rare and precious metals reaches 66 billion yuan.


over 20 key rare and precious metal enterprises in yongxing county h**e established close industry-university-research collaboration relationships with universities such as central south university and south china university of technology and research institutes. they h**e successfully developed and produced over 30 deep-processing products, including 926 silver, silver nitrate, silver contacts, and bismuth alloys.


through the continuous innovation and inheritance of generations of yongxing gold diggers, the county is striving to create a world-class rare and precious metals industry cluster --the "yongxing model" and aiming to transform china's silver capital into the world's rare and precious metals capital!


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