
2023-11-15 16:20:28 字數 2171 閱讀 8189


1. space compartments and gases. in the interval layer of insulating glass, it is necessary for the gas in the interval layer to be monotonous in order to ensure the functionality of the insulating glass. the internal gas can be monotonous with air, argon, or other special gases. generally, according to the requirements of different insulating glass, the thickness of the insulating glass interlayer and the gas inside the insulating glass also vary.


2. the original sheet of glass that constitutes insulating glass. these glasses can be used as general float glass, laminated glass, sun operated glass, and so on. due to the different original glass sheets used, the effect and application address of insulating glass can also be different. due to different requirements, three or multiple layers of original glass can be selected.


3. edge sealing system. now, there are two types of edge sealing systems for insulating glass: one is the traditional cold edge sealing system, and the other is the warm edge sealing system represented by swiggle adhesive strips in the united states. due to the widespread application of traditional aluminum trough type insulating glass equipment in the international market, it has been recognized by many people. however, the warm edge system only began to be promoted in china in 1997, and the product has not yet been widely known.


however, due to improvements based on traditional methods, many factories h**e their own plans for equipping insulating glass processing equipment. in addition, the insulation and sound insulation functions of insulating glass h**e been greatly improved, *it increasingly affordable and quickly becoming widespread.

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