天然气发电机组 燃气发电机组

2023-11-02 17:30:09 字數 3609 閱讀 4006


what is natural gas pressure power generation?


in the process of natural gas production and transportation, there are many steps that require pressure reduction. natural gas pressure power generation is a technology that utilizes the pressure energy contained in the pressure reduction process to generate electricity.


what are the prospects for natural gas pressure power generation?


as a clean and efficient fossil energy, natural gas represents a low-carbon economy and serves as a bridge for the transition from fossil energy to new energy. with the significant increase in natural gas consumption in recent years, china's natural gas production, storage and transportation volume, and trade volume h**e also shown a rapid growth trend. according to the national energy administration, the consumption scale of natural gas in china will reach 430 billion to 450 billion cubic meters in 2025 and 550 billion to 600 billion cubic meters in 2030.


according to the calculation of natural gas consumption scale in 2030, natural gas pressure energy can be converted into nearly 20 billion kilowatt hours of clean electricity annually, exceeding the annual household electricity demand of residents in chengdu. in the future, natural gas pressure energy has great potential for power generation.


what are the technological advantages of natural gas pressure power generation?


after in-depth market research and long-term technical breakthroughs, dongfang steam turbine has decided to adopt the technical route of high speed turbine expanders to recover natural gas pressure energy, in response to the characteristic of "multiple and dispersed" natural gas pressure energy. this has solved key technical problems faced by natural gas pressure energy power generation, such as flammable and explosive working fluids, high speed complex shaft system stability, and safety coordination between units and stations. it has successfully developed high speed, wide pressure ratio multi axis turbine series models with intelligent functions such as one click start stop and unmanned operation; the highly integrated design of the unit allows for easy on-site installation and short construction period, with the factory being shipped after being skidded; at the same time, the power generation process does not consume natural gas and does not generate sewage, exhaust gas, and solid waste, achieving zero carbon power generation under natural gas pressure. the promotion and application of this technology will further reduce carbon emissions in the natural gas industry, and h**e demonstration significance for the green and low-carbon development of the natural gas industry.


工业尾气发电机组机组是一种高效 环保的发电设备,广泛应用于工业领域。其结构和使用优势如下 一 结构。工业尾气发电机组机组主要由燃气轮机 发电机 控制系统和烟气处理系统等组成。其中,燃气轮机是核心部分,它利用工业尾气的热量和压力能来转动涡轮,进而带动发电机发电。发电机则将机械能转化为电能,供给工业生产...

煤化工尾气发电机组 火力发电厂尾气处理流程

随着工业的不断发展,煤化工尾气成为了环境污染的主要源头之一。为了解决这一问题,山东中拓煤化工 引入了先进的尾气发电机组技术,通过火力发电厂尾气处理流程,实现了对废气的综合治理和再利用。一 山东中拓煤化工尾气发电机组的介绍。山东中拓煤化工尾气发电机组是利用煤化工排放的尾气进行发电的一种装置。该装置主要...

