全自动中空玻璃上片机 中空玻璃加工设备

2023-11-06 22:35:16 字數 2305 閱讀 3844


this machine is used for flipping and loading glass, using dual hydraulic cylinders to support flipping. the bearing platform uses high-pressure gas to reduce the friction between the glass and the table, *the movement of the glass easier, protecting the glass from scratches caused by movement, and reducing labor intensity.


main structure of the product


this machine mainly consists of a hydraulic system, a high-pressure fan, and an air floating platform.


the high-pressure fan is connected to the air flotation platform through a high-pressure air duct, and can be manually or automatically controlled to start. in automatic mode, when the platform falls, the fan automatically starts, *it more convenient to use.

性能特点:performance characteristics:


the electrical components used in the equipment, the control system, and the stable operation of the equipment.


adopting a special flipping system to improve work efficiency, s**e human resources, and improve production safety.


the complete machine operation device solves the potential harm and property damage caused by manual loading and moving of glass.


greatly reducing the labor intensity of workers, with advantages such as low investment and significant efficiency.


the equipment can seamlessly connect with the automatic insulating glass production line, achieving intelligent and fully automated glass production.


the fully automatic glass laminating machine brings great convenience to enterprise production, s**ing costs and improving efficiency.


greatly reducing the comprehensive cost of equipment usage, it is an ideal choice for production and use in small and medium-sized glass enterprises

中空玻璃 与中空百叶玻璃

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