大意不得!场均17 12,两据联盟第一!再这样打下去,真要去NBA了

2023-11-17 07:25:19 字數 2046 閱讀 1244

cba 2023-24 season continued with the 10th round of matches, as qingdao men's basketball team hosted their second encounter of the season against shanghai men's basketball team. in their first meeting, qingdao team emerged victorious with a thrilling 121-120 double-overtime win over shanghai. therefore, it is clear that qingdao team would want to secure a consecutive victory against shanghai, whil

e shanghai team aims to **oid a consecutive defeat. after four quarters of intense competition, qingdao team managed to come out on top as the home team, defeating shanghai with a score of 94-83. with this victory, qingdao team now holds a record of 6 wins and 4 losses, *a strong push for a spot in the top eight of the league. this season presents a great opportunity for qingdao team to po

tentially make a comeback to the playoffs. seeing the impressive performance of yang hansen in the first phase of the season, some fans h**e started to draw comparisons between him and nba players. however, it is important to note that center positions in today's basketball world are not particularly in high demand. take chinese center zhou qi, for example. last season, he showcased outstanding

performance in the ncaa, *eraging 22.1 points and 13 rebounds per game. however, he still couldn't secure a spot in the nba. nevertheless, if a center player possesses versatile skills, such as denver nuggets' nikola jokic and houston rockets' christian wood, there is still hope for them to make it to the nba. if the young yang hansen truly wishes to play in the nba in the future, he should con

tinue to develop his all-around game and strive to become stronger. hopefully, one day we will witness his presence on the nba court, competing at the highest level.

大意不得!场均17 12,两据联盟第一!再这样打下去,真要去NBA了

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