
2023-11-03 16:06:06 字數 3041 閱讀 8247


what are the safety requirements for the installation of hydraulic lifting platforms? here are the staff from the hydraulic lift manufacturer to introduce to you


the installation site should be clean and enclosed with marker posts, and non staff members are prohibited from entering


2. to prevent objects from falling from above the installation site, safety nets should be added if necessary


during the installation process, there must be a dedicated person in charge and unified command


4. during the operation of the elevator, personnel's heads and hands should not be exposed beyond the safety barrier


5. if someone is working on the guide rail frame or wall bracket, it is absolutely not allowed to start the elevator. it is strictly prohibited to enter the outer cage when the cage is raised


6. all components on the hanging cage should be placed smoothly and not exposed outside the safety fence


7. when using a suspension rod for installation, overloading is not allowed. the suspension rod can only be used to install or disassemble elevator components, and cannot be used for other lifting purposes. when there are hanging objects on the suspension rod, the suspension cage cannot be moved


8. according to the safety requirements for aerial operations, installation workers must wear safety helmets, anti-skid clothing, safety belts, etc. do not wear too loose clothes, and wear work clothes to **oid being caught in moving parts and causing safety accidents. when operating the elevator, the control box must be brought to the top of the cage and it is not allowed to operate inside the cage. before starting the cage, a comprehensive inspection should be conducted to eliminate all unsafe hazards


9. during installation and operation, it is necessary to load according to the rated installation capacity of the elevator. overloading operation is not allowed on thunderstorms, snowy days, or adverse weather conditions with wind speeds exceeding 13 meters/second. before operating the elevator, the protective grounding device should be connected to the metal structure of the elevator, with a resistance value not exceeding 4 ohms.


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