了解法律中的同时履行抗辩权 先履行抗辩权和不安抗辩权

2023-11-15 10:54:28 字數 3632 閱讀 8064

同时履行抗辩权:counterargument right for simultaneous performance,是指在没有先后履行顺序的双务合同中,一方当事人未履行或者履行不符合约定的情况下,享有拒绝对待给付的权利。如果对方当事人完全履行了合同义务,同时履行抗辩权消灭,当事人应当履行己方义务。

先履行抗辩权:first fulfil the right of defense,是指在有先后履行顺序的双务合同中,应当先履行的一方当事人未履行或者履行债务不符合约定的,后履行的一方当事人享有拒绝对方当事人请求履行的权利。

不安抗辩权:unsafe right of defense,是指在有先后履行顺序的双务合同中,应当先履行的一方当事人有确切证据证明对方不能履行义务,或者有不能履行合同义务之虞时,在对方没有对待履行或者提供担保之前,先履行的一方当事人有暂时中止履行合同义务的权利。




a party obligated to perform the obligation first may suspend his performance if there is definite evidence proving that the other party falls under any of the following situations


its operating conditions are seriously deteriorated;


it transfers property or withdraws capital to evade debts;


the good will of its business has been lost; or


there’s another circumstance under which it has lost or is losing its ability to perform the obligation.


a party that suspends the performance with no such definite evidence shall bear default liability.



a party who suspends performance in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article shall notify the other party in a timely manner. the performance shall be resumed if the other party provides an appropriate bond. after a party suspends its performance, where the other party fails to restore his ability to perform the obligation and fails to provide an appropriate bond within a reasonable period of time, it shall be deemed to be an indication through his act that the party will not perform his principal obligation, and the party that suspends the performance may cancel the contract and may request the other party to bear default liability.


the following rights and freedoms are expressly provided for: right to life, right to physical and mental integrity, individual freedom, right to defense, freedom of movement, personal and family privacy, inviolability of domicile, secrecy of correspondence, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, right to information, right to education, access to culture, rights to protection of health, right to a healthy environment, right to vote, right to be elected, freedom of assembly, right of association, right to work and social protection of labour, prohibition of forced labour, right to strike, right of private property, economic freedom, right of inheritance, right to a decent standard of living, protection of children and young people, protection of disabled persons, right of petition, right of a person aggrieved by a public authority.


regarding the right of defense and presence of a defense attorney in the court trial, article 35 of the constitution stipulates that both parties to a lawsuit h**e the right to select a lawyer and if they are not able to do so, arrangements are made to provide them legal counsel.

关于辩护权和辩护律师出庭问题,《宪法》第35条规定诉讼双方有权选择 律师,并且如果他们不能够选择,将做出安排向他们提供律师。

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