
2023-11-09 12:15:01 字數 2862 閱讀 8136

durant scores 41 points to lead nets past pistons 120-106kevin durant had an outstanding performance against the pistons, scoring 41 points, grab

bing 4 rebounds, dishing out 5 assists, and stealing the ball once in just 34 minutes. looking back at durant's recent games against the pistons, i

t's hard not to wonder what they did to provoke him every time they meet. in the last four matchups, durant has scored 51 points, 7 rebounds, and 9

assists in a win; 41 points, 11 rebounds, and 5 assists in a win; 43 points, 6 rebounds, and 2 assists in a win; and 41 points, 4 rebounds, and 5

assists in a win.even the top teams in the league can't handle durant's skills, let alone the young pistons. it's no wonder that durant has becom

e a nightmare for the pistons. when asked about his performance, durant said, "i'm excited that we finally won a game. i hope we can win more games

so that it will be less pressure for booker and beal when they come back."durant is carrying a he**y workload, and he must be exhausted. moreov

er, his teammates booker and beal h**e both been absent from the court. booker has only played two games this season due to an ankle injury, while

beal has a back strain. it's a difficult situation, and durant seems to be carrying the team all by himself. but he never complains, and he never g

ives up. durant's resilience and perseverance are truly admirable.durant is 35 years old, has suffered a ruptured achilles tendon, and plays an a

verage of 35.7 minutes per game with a 100% attendance rate. he is a key player on both offense and defense, and he is an essential leader for his

team. just like lebron james, who is almost 39 years old and plays an **erage of 35.7 minutes per game, durant is a true champion who has been figh

ting for his team for over a decade.幸运的是,所有球员依然保持着比赛的竞技能力,不幸的是只有他们能够参与比赛。我们希望太阳队的伤病能够尽快**,同时也祝愿布克和比尔能够尽快回归赛场。鉴于杜兰特已经35岁了,或许需要减轻他的负担。


120 106!杜兰特狂砍41分,戈登21 8,太阳轻取活塞结束3连败

菲尼克斯太阳队在北京时间月日迎战底特律活塞队的比赛中,展现出了强大的实力和统治力,最终以 的比分取得胜利。这场比赛对于太阳队而言具有极其重要的意义,因为他们此前经历了连续三场的失利,急需一场胜利来稳定士气并改善排名。虽然比赛的开始阶段双方的得分非常接近,但随着中段的到来,太阳队展开了一波猛烈的攻击。...

杜兰特终于笑了 狂轰41分帮助太阳拔塞中止3连败

日赛后坐在休息室内的杜兰特终于笑了,且大声说出,我们很兴奋,因为我们终于赢了。因为戴文布克 毕尔两大明星队友虽然继续因伤缺阵,杜兰特日轰下本季新高分,带领太阳比作客击败活塞,总算中断最近的连败颓势。太阳总教练佛格说 就算输一场球都很不愉快,更何况连输场。杜兰特今天也终于获得队友火力支援,艾瑞克戈登贡...

天赋炸裂!杜兰特狂砍41分,连续四场面对活塞40 ,这就是实力!

天赋炸裂!杜兰特狂砍分,连续四场面对活塞 这就是实力!北京时间月日,杜兰特在nba常规赛中展现了出色的表现。在与活塞队的比赛中,他首发出战了分钟半,投篮次命中次 其中三分球中 罚球中,得到了分,同时还贡献了个篮板 次助攻 次抢断和次盖帽。根据统计数据显示,这已经是杜兰特连续第场比赛砍下 的表现了。值...