
2023-11-06 11:55:17 字數 3807 閱讀 8088


astronomers detect unusual tidal disruption eventastronomers h**e detected an unusual tidal disruption event (tde) known as a doppler boost or relativistic jet, in which a black hole begins to consume a star, releasing a massive amount of relativistic matter that produces a bright, luminous flare. while such events are not uncom

mon, what makes this event unique is that the resulting flare was precisely aimed towards earth, *it appear brighter than usual. the event, however, posed no danger as the black hole is located halfway across the universe, and the energy released was enormous. astronomers at the university of birmingham used the european sou

thern observatory's very large telescope in chile to observe the at2022cmc. they realized that the host galaxy was much farther away than initially thought. as matt nicholl of the university of birmingham explains, "the spectrum of the flare tells us that it reached temperatures of around 30,000 degrees, which is typical of a tida

l disruption event, and we also saw absorption lines from gas in the host galaxy which told us that this galaxy is much farther away than we initially thought." so far, astronomers h**e discovered three tdes that exhibit doppler boosts, with at2022cmc being the first detected by an all-sky survey. monitoring the event during the

three days before it occurred showed no anomalies. it was only when astronomers observed the source with an x-ray telescope that they realized the source was too bright. the flare was 100 times brighter than the strongest gamma-ray burst, *it highly unusual. this discovery provides new clues about tdes and the formation of

supermassive black holes. matteo lucchini, a postdoctoral fellow at mit's k**li institute for astrophysics and space research and co-author of the study, said, "during the first million years of the universe, every galaxy quickly formed a supermassive black hole. they consume matter at an incredibly fast rate, but we still don't k

now how the tdes happen, so we can use them to understand how the consumption process works. in the x-ray spectrum, at2022cmc was extremely bright, and we also observed changes that were up to 500 times larger in just the last few weeks."m87(m87或ngc4486)星系核心黑洞喷流光学图像。2023年7月6日,哈勃太空望远镜拍摄了这张**。nasa/哈勃遗产团队(stsci/aura)/维基共享资源。


我们期待未来能够观测到更多这样的潮汐撕裂事件,以帮助我们揭示黑洞喷射出如此强大喷流的奥秘。总之,国际天文学家团队发现,迄今为止距离地球85亿光年的黑洞喷流正朝地球方向迅速移动,这是迄今为止最强大的喷流。作者:paul scott anderson。审校:aaaaaz。**请获得授权,并注明出处。


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