
2023-11-02 06:13:44 字數 13100 閱讀 9579




综上所述,合资是中国汽车企业更好地开拓海外市场的重要途径。通过与国际汽车巨头合作,可以借助其全球资源和渠道,加快走向全球化。然而,合资也面临一些挑战和风险,需要双方共同努力解决。在新能源汽车市场快速发展的背景下,中国汽车企业应积极寻求与国际合作伙伴的合资机会,加速走向世界舞台。那么,您认为中国汽车企业在开拓海外市场中还可以采取哪些策略?欢迎留下您的评论。2023年国内新能源车市场top10车型中,除特斯拉旗下的model y和model 3外,其余8款产品全部为自主品牌。这表明,自主品牌在新能源市场中的竞争力正在增强。根据盖世汽车研究院的数据,2023年新能源乘用车销售top10车型的总销量为222.1万辆,占市场总销量的40%。进入2023年,虽然许多主流合资品牌加速推进电动化转型,但自主车企仍然在国内新能源车市场中占据着主导地位。



未来,主流合资品牌需要加快追赶步伐,提高技术创新和产品研发力度,以抢占市场份额。综上所述,自主新能源车品牌在国内市场的地位日益巩固,市场格局尚未定型,仍有巨大潜力可以挖掘。然而,主流合资品牌的电动化转型进程相对滞后,需要加快追赶步伐。未来,自主品牌应继续加大技术创新和产品研发力度,同时**和资本机构也应积极支持自主品牌的发展。新能源汽车市场的竞争将更加激烈,谁能在技术、品质和市场占有率等方面保持领先,将成为市场的赢家。2023年7月,中国汽车市场掀起了一波外资合作潮,汽车行业的主角们开始重新洗牌。 大众汽车集团与小鹏汽车达成了技术框架协议,双方将共同开发两款大众品牌电动车,专供中国市场。同时,奥迪品牌也选择了与上汽集团旗下智己品牌合作,将基于智己的800v平台打造两款电动轿车。而沃尔沃和极星、丰田和比亚迪的合作,早已经在电动化和智能化领域持续多年。






stellantis: a key player in the global automotive industrystellantis, a global automotive company, has established a stable presence worldwide. as a significant shareholder and important partner of zero run motors, stellantis brings a wealth of resources and support to accelerate zero run motors' global expansion. in contrast to volkswagen's role as an observer on the board of directors when it

invested in xiaopeng motors, stellantis will become a major shareholder of zero run motors, holding two seats on its board and appointing the ceo of the joint venture company, zero run international. the depth of collaboration between zero run motors and stellantis is evident. moreover, the partnership between zero run motors and stellantis is exclusive. according to the agreement, except for the

greater china region, the joint venture company, zero run international, has the exclusive rights to export and sell products in all other global markets, as well as the sole rights to manufacture zero run vehicles locally. it is worth noting that stellantis has also acquired all of dahua group's 7.88% stake in zero run motors, meaning that dahua group will no longer hold any shares in the company

and will exit the venture. dahua group expects this transaction to increase its current profits by approximately rmb 4.548 billion. in 2015, dahua group participated in the establishment of zero run motors with a registered capital of rmb 33 million, and in may 2017, it further increased its investment by rmb 57 million. from market follower to technology exporter, chinese automotive companies ha

ve undergone a fundamental transformation in their global positioning thanks to the rise of new energy vehicles. importantly, this deal showcases a successful case of monetizing technology for domestic new car manufacturers. this win-win situation demonstrates that chinese companies can achieve technological monetization, establish themselves as leaders in technological innovation, and gain a sign

ificant advantage in expanding their presence in overseas markets. on the other hand, foreign companies h**e the opportunity to leverage the chinese new energy market, bridge the gap in their platform and product offerings, and even enhance their global presence in the new energy sector. stellantis boosts zero run motors' global expansionthe collaboration between stellantis and zero run motors

marks a significant milestone in the global automotive industry. stellantis, a renowned global automotive company, has not only become an important shareholder of zero run motors but also brings valuable resources and support for its international expansion. with stellantis' extensive global market experience and resources, zero run motors is poised to accelerate its overseas growth. this partner

ship sets zero run motors apart from other chinese automakers, as it not only secures a strategic position for international expansion but also establishes a strong foothold in the global automotive market. exclusive partnership and market dominationthe partnership between zero run motors and stellantis is not only significant but also exclusive. the agreement stipulates that zero run internat

ional, the joint venture company, has the exclusive rights to export and sell zero run vehicles in all global markets, except for the greater china region. this exclusivity provides zero run motors with a unique advantage over its competitors, allowing the company to dominate the global market and expand its reach without competition from other chinese automakers. the partnership not only strength

ens zero run motors' position as a leading player in the new energy vehicle market but also establishes it as a pioneer in international expansion. exit of dahua group and financial implicationsthe acquisition of dahua group's stake in zero run motors by stellantis marks a significant shift in the ownership structure of the company. after the completion of the transaction, dahua group will no

longer hold any shares in zero run motors, signaling its exit from the venture. this move has both financial and strategic implications. dahua group estimates that the transaction will increase its current profits by approximately rmb 4.548 billion. this financial gain highlights the monetization potential of technology for chinese companies and showcases zero run motors' successful case of techno

logy commercialization. furthermore, the exit of dahua group allows zero run motors to streamline its ownership structure and focus on its partnership with stellantis to further drive its global growth. the transformation of chinese automotive companiesthe partnership between zero run motors and stellantis reflects a fundamental shift in the positioning of chinese automotive companies on the g

lobal stage. chinese automakers h**e transformed from market followers to technology exporters, thanks to the rise of new energy vehicles. this transformation has not only allowed chinese companies to establish themselves as leaders in technological innovation but also showcased their ability to monetize technology and achieve rapid commercial success. the case of zero run motors serves as a remar

kable example of a chinese company leveraging its technological advancements to gain international recognition and expand its presence in overseas markets. opportunities for foreign companies in the chinese marketthe partnership between zero run motors and stellantis not only benefits chinese companies but also presents opportunities for foreign companies in the chinese market. foreign automak

ers now h**e the chance to leverage the chinese new energy market, which has experienced significant growth in recent years. by partnering with chinese companies, foreign automakers can bridge the gap in their platform and product offerings, tap into the chinese market, and gain a competitive advantage. this collaboration allows foreign companies to strengthen their foothold in the global new ener

gy sector and expand their business in other international markets. in conclusion, the partnership between zero run motors and stellantis signifies a significant step forward for both companies in the global automotive industry. with stellantis' support, zero run motors is well-positioned to accelerate its international expansion and solidify its presence in overseas markets. this exclusive part

nership and the exit of dahua group highlight the potential for chinese companies to monetize their technological advancements and establish themselves as leaders in the global automotive market. additionally, the collaboration presents opportunities for foreign companies to tap into the chinese market and enhance their global new energy business. as the automotive industry continues to evolve, pa

rtnerships and collaborations such as this will shape the future of the industry. how do you think this partnership will impact the global automotive market中国新能源汽车市场一直备受关注,而近年来,合资企业在该市场上的优势日益显现。然而,最近一系列的合资项目中,我们看到了一个有趣的趋势:合资弱,自主强。这个趋势意味着什么?未来会有哪家中国新能源品牌成为外资车企的下一个合作对象?回顾过去几年,我们可以看到合资企业在中国汽车市场中的影响力逐渐减弱。曾经的合资巨头们,在面对来自自主品牌的竞争时,逐渐失去了市场份额。自主品牌的技术不断进步,产品质量不断提升,吸引了越来越多的消费者。





该如何更好的开拓海外市场呢?零跑汽车日前给出了自己的答案 合资,通过合资,能使中国一些好的技术和产品为全球创造价值 零跑科技创始人 董事长兼ceo 朱江明表示,合资能让中国的汽车更快走出中国实现全球化。对零跑而言,这是与stellantis合作,最明显的价值之一。月日,stellantis 集团全球...

零跑汽车拟85 09亿港元向Stellantis定增1 94亿股H股 共成立公司

月日,零跑汽车发布公告,于年月日,该公司与stellantis订立认购协议。根据认购协议,该公司已有条件同意向stellantis配发及发行.亿股h股,认购价为每股认购股份.港元。认购股份将根据一般授权配发及发行。认购事项的所得款项总额将为.亿港元,拟分配用于研发投资 营销 提升生产能力以及运营资金...


当下,国内新能源汽车市场 内卷 出新天际,越来越多的企业撑不住,但也有不少企业获得 贵人 眷顾,行业集中度的提升显然正在提速。陷入至暗时刻的新能源汽车品牌不在少数,如威马汽车目前正推进破产重整,昔日 老头乐 龙头雷丁汽车已申请破产,爱驰汽车也已陷入停摆,曾与 蔚小理 齐名的拜腾汽车则破产离场 获巨额...