
2023-11-15 21:20:55 字數 5309 閱讀 4698

2023 "white tower cup" cultural and creative competition: "beijing bank, beijing branch. jingying plan - youth innovation" targeted track finals successfully heldthe 2023 "white tower cup" cultural and creative competition "beijing bank, beijing branch·jingying plan - youth innovation" targeted track finals were held at the qianmen cultural and creative branch of beijing bank on november 12. as

one of the four main tracks of the 2023 "white tower cup" cultural and creative competition, the "beijing bank, beijing branch·jingying plan - youth innovation" track was hosted by the xicheng district cultural and creative industry promotion center of beijing, jointly organized by beijing design capital development co., ltd., and strongly supported by the qianmen cultural and creative branch of b

eijing bank. this track aimed to collect ai creative and painting works from young people, guiding them to pay more attention to and understand the cultural heritage of xicheng district, actively participating in the protection of beijing's historical and cultural heritage and the dissemination of the value of the central axis, and encouraging young people to unleash their creativity. (beijing ba

nk, beijing branch·jingying plan - youth innovation" targeted track finals scene)the "beijing bank, beijing branch·jingying plan - youth innovation" targeted track officially started collecting works in june this year, covering 17 provinces and cities including beijing, shanghai, fujian, jiangxi, hunan, zhejiang, jilin, as well as hong kong, macao, and taiwan. compared with last year, the qualit

y of entries this year has significantly improved. in addition to the regular creations, children began to pay more attention to emotional expression. through the application of ai technology, they expanded the forms of artistic expression and created highly personalized works, vividly demonstrating their love for the excellent traditional chinese culture. (judges scoring the works)the "beijing

bank, beijing branch·jingying plan - youth innovation" targeted track finals adopted a roadshow evaluation format, with a total of 17 entries participating in the final roadshow either offline or online to present their works. seven expert judges at the scene jointly scored the shortlisted roadshow entries. of particular note, the finals also set up a "spectator judging panel," composed of represe

ntatives from the xicheng district youth league committee, overseas chinese federation, and taiwan affairs office. in the scoring of the competition, the spectator judging panel held 5% of the voting weight, strengthening the participation and interaction of various sectors of society in the event. (representatives of the competition organizing committee, judging experts, and spectator judging pan

el members taking a group photo)in conclusion, the 2023 "white tower cup" cultural and creative competition "beijing bank, beijing branch·jingying plan - youth innovation" targeted track finals h**e achieved great success, showcasing the outstanding achievements and creativity of young people in the fields of ai creation and painting arts. the competition not only promotes the inheritance and in

novation of traditional culture but also provides a platform for young people to demonstrate their talents and artistic expression. looking ahead, how can similar competitions further promote the participation and creativity of young people in cultural and creative activities2023“白塔杯”文化创意大赛:数字技术助力文化产业高质量发展2023年“白塔杯”文化创意大赛即将启动,以数字技术为手段,以文化创新为动力,以融合发展为路径,助力推动文化产业高质量发展。




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