农业旅游 塞浦路斯有望转变为全年旅游皆宜的目的地

2023-11-15 19:25:45 字數 8245 閱讀 2447



农业旅游可以更深入地了解目的地的中心。 这都是关于参观和体验农场、葡萄园和牧场等农业地区。 游客可以动手,参与农业、粮食生产,并瞥见农村生活。 这不仅仅是一个假期,它是一次教育、文化交流和休闲冒险。




在海滩之外,塞浦路斯的农业旅游计划邀请游客探索其自然奇观。 在这里,土地的精神活跃起来,为游客提供了宁静和敬畏的时刻。 塞浦路斯内政部通过一项赠款计划强调了2023年农业旅游部门的增长,该计划旨在扩大该岛的农业旅游产品,并支持该行业的创新者和企业家。












while cyprus is renowned for its summer allure, there's more to the island than just its sparkling shores. with a rich landscape and unique biodiversity, cyprus offers locals and tourists a chance to dive into its agritourism scene and experience the island from a fresh perspective. the island’s allure does not reside solely within the warm summer months, but rather, extends year-round through its holistic landscape found in agritourism.

what is agritourism and how big is the market?

agritourism offers a deeper dive into the heart of a destination. it's all about visiting and experiencing agricultural areas like farms, vineyards, and ranches. visitors get hands-on, participating in farming, food production, and getting a glimpse of rural life. it's more than just a vacation; it's an education, a cultural exchange, and a recreational adventure rolled into one.

this isn't just a trend in cyprus. the agritourism industry is already quite well established globally, valued at just under $6 billion in 2021. it is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (cagr) of 11.4% for the nine year period from 2022 and 2030. cyprus aims to contribute to this sector as seen in its recovery and resilience plan 2021-2026, showcasing how agritourism can ensure employability in tourism all year-round, and in a bid to create a more sustainable tourism sector.

from the efforts of the cyprus agrotourism company to the modernizing vineyards found across cyprus, there are a plethora of **enues to explore across the island’s agritourism potential. for those who seek to immerse themselves further, there are even stay farms in cyprus, accentuating the allure of nature and allowing visitors to experience the freshest produce right from the farm.

cyprus's unique agritourism offerings

beyond the beaches, cyprus's agritourism initiatives invite tr**elers to explore its natural wonders. here, the spirit of the land comes alive, offering visitors moments of tranquility and awe. cyprus’ ministry of interior has emphasized the growth of the agritourism sector in 2018 through a grant scheme looking to amplify the island’s agritourism offerings and support the sector’s innovators and entrepreneurs.

in an effort to display the impact of the grant scheme, the ministry of interior hosts a map of agritourism locations for sustainable tourism enthusiasts and seekers to explore the island’s myriad offerings. efforts in cyprus’ agritourism h**e been present across decades, and continue to advance to cater to tr**elers preferences.

the cyprus agrotourism company, established in 1996 has dedicated itself to opening the doors to a more eclectic form of tourism across the island. h**ing partnered with 150 members across cyprus, they help holiday-makers make the most of their stay by experiencing cyprus’ outdoors through hiking and cycling trails, private tours, winery and farm tours, as well as hands-on experience in nurturing farms and arts and crafts.

they also showcase a myriad of cottages and houses boasting unique and traditional cypriot architecture located in various villages. the activities they share, as well as the various locations they grant access to, contribute to a more sustainable tourism sector and invite tourists and locals who seek more tranquil, experience-fueled vacations.

adding to the bucket-list destinations housed in cyprus are the island’s expansive, colorful vineyards, some of which are regarded as europe’s highest vineyards. the island is quickly emerging as a wine destination, known for its endemic grape varieties and historic wine, commandaria. its rise can be accredited to cypriot wineries which marry tradition with innovation enabling them to go from local to global recognition.

due to the island’s vineyards being located in towering heights, they are exposed to high uv radiation and significant temperature variations, giving them unique fl**ors found only in the island.

cyprus's approach to agritourism blends age-old traditions with modern innovations. this synergy has not only rejuvenated the island's farming practices but has also p**ed the way for budding entrepreneurs. want to learn about the craftsmanship behind cyprus's famed products? there are workshops for that. intrigued by wine***organic wine tastings delve into the island's rich wine culture.

the developments in agritourism and the island’s focus on rejuvenating its agricultural practices has contributed to its tourism sector, bringing tourism during cyprus’ quieter seasons to new-found heights by accommodating a wider range of tourist preferences. for those seeking a closer bond with nature, cyprus offers eco-friendly farm stays. visitors can wake up to the sounds of the farm, and later in the day, indulge in farm-to-table dining experiences, s**oring the very essence of the cypriot land.

year-round appeal

with agritourism in the mix, cyprus is no longer just a summer hotspot. each season paints the island in a different hue – from the vibrant blossoms of spring and the green canvas of summer farms to the amber shades of autumn vineyards and the rustic charm of winter retreats. this varied tourism product not only attracts a diverse set of tr**elers but also helps them forge a deeper bond with cyprus's heritage and traditions.

as highlighted by the booking.com sustainable tr**el report 2023, among the 33,000 tr**elers from 35 nations surveyed, 76% said that they want to tr**el more sustainably over the coming 12 months. this shows a 16 percentage point growth when compared to their 2021 survey, and 5 percentage points more from the one in 2022. agritourism is redefining the way we perceive destinations like cyprus.

it is not just about the popular tourist spots anymore; it is about authentic experiences and connections. it also aligns with modern tr**elers' wants. cyprus, with its rich agritourism initiatives, offers visitors a chance to step off the beaten path and truly immerse themselves in the island's spirit. the result? a holistic, year-round destination.

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