
2023-11-14 08:45:03 字數 3368 閱讀 1739

六善酒店秉承六善一贯的隐秘奢华理念,酒店通过充满创意和灵性的艺术布局和空间营造,打造了一个既充分融合当地文化又不失现代雅致的世外桃源。adhering to the concept of "six virtues" and "secret luxury", the hotel has created a paradise that fully integrates local culture without losing modernity and elegance through creative and spiritual artistic layout and space creation.










度假村的中心点是绿洲,以沙漠之花为模型。天篷是一种自遮阳结构,为屋檐下的热闹活动提供场所。酒店室内的部分则由西班牙建筑师 patricia urquiola 操刀,当中大量用上了 cocciopesto 灰泥、大理石材等当地标志性的材料。再加上从入口到屋顶的绿植,在从历史到现代的交织中,也实现了和大自然的自然联结。

the center of the resort is an oasis, with desert flower as the model. the canopy is a kind of self-shading structure, which provides a place for lively activities under the e**es. the interior of the hotel was designed by spanish architect patricia urquiola, in which a large number of local landmark materials such as cocciopesto plaster and dali stone were used. coupled with the green plants from the entrance to the roof, the natural connection with nature has been realized in the interwe**ing from history to modernity.

酒店面向山谷,周围环绕着山脉和沙漠。避免使用具有高热质量的材料,例如混凝土或石头,这些材料往往会吸收和保留热量。轻型屋顶的形式灵感来自起伏的沙丘和传统帐篷。流体结构和木质颜色与周围沙丘和土壤融为一体。the hotel faces the valley and is surrounded by mountains and deserts. *oid using materials with high thermal mass, such as concrete or stone, which tend to absorb and retain heat. the form of light roof is inspired by undulating sand dunes and traditional tents. fluid structure and wood color blend with the surrounding sand dunes and soil.

几千年来,纳巴泰商人和朝圣者在该地区穿梭,贝都因人的文化遗产让设计具有在地性:从内部设计中丰富的色彩和图案,到接待客人的奇特冒险。for thousands of years, nabatai businessmen and pilgrims h**e tr**eled in this area, and the bedouin cultural heritage has made the design local: from the rich colors and patterns in the interior design to the strange adventures of receiving guests.

上层是为活跃人士准备的,设有健身室、个人训练空间以及尽可能多的课程,包括空中瑜伽和旋**行车。下层是**室和湿区,设有自遮阳水面和深冷池,与炎热的气候形成鲜明对比。the upper floor is for active people, with a fitness room, personal training space and as many courses as possible, including aerial yoga and spinning bicycles. the lower floor is the treatment room and wet area, with self-shading water surface and cryogenic pool, which is in sharp contrast with the hot climate.

这里也接待当地少数民族萨杜的手工艺编织者,同时有机会与当地社区见面,并通过舞蹈和**探索该地区的文化遗产。it also receives the local ethnic minority sadu's handicraft we**ers, and has the opportunity to meet the local community and explore the cultural heritage of the region through dance and music.




福建女士在杭州一家酒店遭遇了一次令人难以置信的经历 她在酒店房间里丢失了一袋价值超过五千块钱的护肤品。这起事件发生在陆女士出差期间,她入住了杭州西湖希尔顿欢朋酒店。在她享受完一天辛苦工作后,发现她平时放在角落的护肤品袋子不见了。她回忆起袋子里放着各种各样的护肤品和化妆品,其中包括雅诗兰黛 希思黎等知...



“奢华之路 汉洛克酒店的SOE模式引领高端酒店管理的未来”

汉洛克酒店正站在酒店管理行业的前沿,引领着一场全新的革命,挑战传统,开创着全新的标杆。这一场革命的核心,就是汉洛克酒店引以为傲的soe模式,与传统的ota 旅游 模式迥然不同。这一模式的背后蕴含着分享 协作和共赢的理念,为酒店管理带来了崭新的可能性。那么,什么是soe模式呢?它代表的是分享 协作和共...