
2023-11-29 17:40:45 字數 3107 閱讀 1905



with an annual r&d investment of 20 billion yuan, chery group plans to gain a leading edge in core technologies through its "financial muscle," while nio plans to invest over 100 billion yuan in the next five years, to give its new energy vehicle business wings to fly. in addition, the company

will implement a "fleet strategy" to leverage collective power, striving to enter the country's top league of new energy vehicles next year. at the recent guangzhou auto show, chery group's four major brands - chery, jetour, exeed, and icar - made a collective appearance with a total of 16 new

energy vehicles. among them, chery's flagship a8 and other a-series hybrid models were unveiled, jetour launched its first pure electric sedan, the star journey es, exeed introduced its second product in the mountain and sea series, the l6, and icar's first model, the icar 03, will begin pre-sa

les and deliveries next month. finally, chery has brought in external expertise to bolster its new energy business. jetour is partnering with iflytek to accelerate its progress in the field of intelligence, with the star journey es featuring iflytek's lion ai cognitive model. chery and huawei a

re working closely together to create the pure electric sedan, the smart run's intelligent world s7. with huawei's support, the intelligent world s7 has brought hope to chery in the mid- to high-end new energy vehicle market. the s7 had over 5,000 orders within half a day of its launch. going f

orward, chery and huawei will introduce more models of the intelligent world series. in the field of new energy, chery is going all out this time. whether it can catch up with the leading players in the field, which h**e already pulled away, remains to be seen. we look forward to seeing what ch

ina's leading domestic brand, chery, can offer us.


视觉中国。车圈能见度,作者 刘媛媛。新能源不能拉整个奇瑞的后腿。这是奇瑞控股集团董事长 党委书记尹同跃在今年月奇瑞eq首台量产车下线仪式上所说的话。彼时他直言,奇瑞现在还有两个 硬仗 要打,其中一个就是新能源,要用更好的产品和更好的技术冲上去。在新能源领域,奇瑞是有些 偏科 知名度远不及比亚迪 广汽...

尹同跃 明年,奇瑞就不客气了

奇瑞新能源发展的战略和计划奇瑞汽车一直以来都是国内汽车行业的领军企业之一。近年来,随着新能源汽车的兴起,奇瑞也积极布局新能源市场,实现了营销策略的转变。首先,奇瑞决心不再依赖亏损来提高销量。经过努力,今年前三个季度市场表现不错,销量同比增长. 在新能源转型的道路上,奇瑞取得了令人瞩目的成果。他们陆续...

尹同跃 能让“技术奇瑞”插上“管理”的翅膀吗?

假如 技术奇瑞 能插上管理的翅膀,奇瑞也许就能跑出更快的加速度,更早在世界汽车业取得领先地位。年月日,奇瑞的科技day上,方得智驾发现,奇瑞在展示众多技术成果的同时,也展示了其管理上的成果。奇瑞董事长尹同跃在发言中提出的三个建议,都不是 技术 而是 管理 假如奇瑞能让这三个建议变成现实,那么 技术奇...