
2023-11-05 12:55:02 字數 6291 閱讀 9445

"shandong's fall is my responsibility, but who is responsible for the fall of nanjing" in january 1938, chiang kai-shek convened a meeting of senior military commanders in henan. during the meeting, chiang harshly criticized han fuju's decision to ret

reat without fighting. han fuju, however, did not back down and retorted with the fall of nanjing. however, after le**ing the meeting, han fuju was abducted by a car. it wasn't until 8 days later that the news of han fuju's execution was reported in t

he news***s. so why was han fuju secretly executed by chiang kai-shek and how should his family face their future liveshan fuju, one of the "thirteen tigers" under feng yuxiang, was the highest-ranking general executed during the war of resistance

in 1910, he left his hometown and ventured to the northeast, eventually becoming one of feng yuxiang's subordinates. in 1924, during the beijing coup, he served as a regimental commander in the national army. han fuju was a typical opportunist. in t

he battle of nankou in 1926, when yan xishan's forces disrupted the rear of the national army and the defeat seemed inevitable, han fuju surrendered to yan xishan. a month later, feng yuxiang launched a campaign in wuyuan, and han fuju saw hope again

and returned to feng yuxiang's side. the following year, during the northern expedition, han fuju's outstanding performance earned him a promotion to division commander. later, feng yuxiang nominated him as the chairman of the henan provincial governm

ent. however, han fuju was unhappy with this appointment because being the chairman meant that he would lose command of the military. not only that, feng yuxiang handed over han fuju's original troops to his archenemy, shi jingting, which deeply anger

ed han fuju. he believed that feng yuxiang's actions were deliberate suppression, leading to a rift between them.in the spring of 1929, as the conflict between feng yuxiang and chiang kai-shek escalated, han fuju openly betrayed feng and switched al

legiance to chiang, stabbing feng in the heart. during the battle of central plains, han fuju once again clashed with yan xishan on the battlefield. however, this time, han fuju did not fail and instead caused yan xishan's jin army to stumble. chiang

kai-shek was very satisfied with this outcome and soon appointed him as the chairman of shandong. since then, he gained a new title, "king of shandong." han fuju was not only an opportunist but also an ambitious individual. since taking office, he car

ried out a "purge" in the shandong government. he not only colluded with the japanese but also killed the previous rulers of shandong and eliminated jiang's loyalists left in the province, *shandong his own territory. as the saying goes, the tal

ler the tree, the stronger the wind. han fuju's arrogance quickly caught the attention of chiang kai-shek. especially after what happened next, it solidified chiang's determination to deal with him.executed by chiang kai-shek. in 1936, zhang xuelian

g sent a telegram to han fuju, hoping for his support in the "xi'an incident." han fuju carefully considered the situation, knowing that this would offend chiang kai-shek, but still sent a telegram in support of the "xi'an incident." with the efforts

of zhang xueliang and yang hucheng, the nationalists and communists ushered in their second cooperation, jointly resisting external enemies.然而,老蒋是一个极为念旧的人,对那些伤害他面子的人从不会手软。在护送老蒋返回南京的过程中,张学良成了他找借口软禁的对象,从那时起,张学良开始了长达半个世纪的囚禁生涯。而韩复榘在2023年1月因违反军令被处决。










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