海外多国能源部 经贸部领导莅临智佳能参观调研

2023-11-14 08:45:03 字數 4746 閱讀 2342







leaders of ministry of energy and ministry of economic and tradefromoverseascountries visitedzocono

on november 8, 2023, 26 officials from the ministry of commerce of prc, the ministry of energy, the ministry of economic and trade, the ministry of economic affairs, the energy regulatory bureau, the ministry of science and technology and the ministry of environment from overseas countries visited zocono headquarters. zocono’s general manager zhang kunming, executive vice president chen liangcai, vice president of operations yu xianyou, general manager of overseas business unit wang mingjing and other company executives warmly received the visiting leaders.

when visiting the exhibition hall of zocono’s headquarters, the delegations learned the company’s two-decade history in automation, the self-developed water-cooling third-generation gan integrated machine, negative pressure formation series integrated machine, semiconductor amhs system and other leading technologies, as well as the f&g inspection, intelligent warehousing logistics and intelligent software system integration. the strong technological innovation strength of zocono was highly affirmed and appreciated.

at the symposium, zhang kunming, general manager of zocono, warmly welcomed the arrival of the officials from many countries, and stated that zocono is committed to the r&d and manufacturing of new energy intelligent equipment, and actively responds to the national "going out" strategy, firmly grasps the major historical opportunities to jointly build the "belt and road", and continues to promote the high-quality development of overseas business. the visit by the delegations of the ministry of commerce of prc and the leaders of important b&r initiative participating countries is a high recognition of the comprehensive strength and market influence of zocono, and an important support to us in the international market. we will strengthen the in-depth cooperation with the participating countries, accelerate the pace of internationalization, and contribute to the development of the global green energy industry.

subsequently, wang mingjing, general manager of zocono overseas bu, introduced the company's global layout, the operation and overseas delivery capability of its hungarian subsidiary in europe, and benchmarking project cases in detail. the two sides had an in-depth discussion on the prospect of new energy development and cooperation, and the visiting leaders sincerely invited zocono to give full play to its technological advantages, continue to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and cooperation with b&r countries, and set a new benchmark for international innovation cooperation.

the in-depth exchanges with the chinese ministry of commerce and overseas energy delegations h**e enabled zocono to be in a more f**orable position in the process of expanding overseas markets and gain greater strategic advantages.

facing the future, zocono will adhere to the concept of “low-carbon intelligent manufacturing and green leadership for the future”, continue to increase the expansion of overseas business, accelerate the "going global" plan along the "belt and road", and work together with overseas partners to promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the global new energy industry.

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