OpenAI宫斗大反转 奥特曼重返CEO岗位

2023-11-28 16:20:04 字數 16217 閱讀 6236

前情提要:openai宫斗。近日,openai宫斗大戏终于迎来大结局:openai发文称,已与山姆·奥特曼(sam altman)达成协议,恢复ceo职务,并将重新组成董事会。

小作业:1. what was a significant factor that influenced the reinstatement of sam altman as openai's ceo?

a) a unanimous decision by the original board members.

b) the intervention of a government regulatory body.

c) a campaign led by employees, allies, and investors.

d) a legal settlement resulting from a lawsuit.

2. what change was announced regarding openai's board following sam altman's reinstatement?a) the board would consist exclusively of openai employees.

b) the board would be restructured without several opposing members. c) the board would expand to include international members.

d) the board would dissolve and be replaced by an advisory council.


sam altman is reinstated as openai's chief executive

from: the new york times

sam altman was reinstated late tuesday as openai's chief executive, successfully reversing his ouster by the company's board last week after a campaign waged by his allies, employees and investors, the company said.

the board would be remade without several members who had opposed mr. altman.

we h**e reached an agreement in principle for sam to return to openai as ceo with a new initial board of bret taylor (chair), larry summers, and adam d'angelo,” openai said in a post to x, formerly known as twitter. “we are collaborating to figure out the details. thank you so much for your patience through this.”

the return of mr. altman and the potential re***of the board, capped a frenetic five days that upended openai, the maker of the chatgpt chatbot and one of the world's highest-profile artificial intelligence companies.

i love openai, and everything i've done over the past few days has been in service of keeping this team and its mission together,” mr. altman said in a post to x. “with the new board and w satya's support, i'm looking forward to returning to openai, and building on our strong partnership with msft.”

openai's board surprised mr. altman and the company's employees on friday afternoon when it told him he was being pushed out. greg brockman, the company's president who co-founded the company with mr. altman and others, resigned in protest.

the ouster kicked off efforts by mr. altman, 38, his allies in the tech industry and openai's employees to force the company's board to bring him back. on sunday evening, after a weekend of negotiations, the board said it was going to stick with its decision.

but in a head-spinning development just hours later, microsoft, openai's largest investor, said that mr. altman, mr. brockman and others would be joining the company to start a new advanced artificial intelligence lab.

nearly all of openai's more than 700 employees signed a letter telling the board they would walk out and follow mr. altman to microsoft if he wasn't reinstated, throwing the future of the start-up into jeopardy.

four board members — ilya sutskever, an openai founder; adam d'angelo, the chief executive of quora; helen toner, a director of strategy at georgetown's center for security and emerging technology; and tasha mccauley, an entrepreneur and computer scientist — had initially decided to push mr. altman out.

but as the employee revolt grew, mr. sutskever repented in a message on x: “i deeply regret my participation in the board's actions.” he also signed the letter.



sam altman is reinstated as openai's chief executive

from: the new york times

sam altman was reinstated late tuesday as openai's chief executive, successfully reversing his ouster by the company's board last week after a campaign waged by his allies, employees and investors, the company said.



reinstate /ˌriː.ɪnˈsteɪt/ 表示“使重返岗位,使恢复原职;把…放回原处;使恢复原状”,英文解释为“to give someone back their previous job or position, or to cause something to exist again”举个


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