专家在三星堆出土文物上,竟发现铸焊 铸铆和铆焊工艺

2023-11-01 16:53:31 字數 3457 閱讀 9711

dear readers, what comes to mind when you hear "sanxingdui"?

is it the sanxingdui civilization or the artifacts unearthed at the sanxingdui site experts often discover valuable artifacts while cleaning up the sanxingdui site, but what they didn't expect was to find cast welding, cast riveting, and riveting techniques on these artifacts. it's safe to say that the ancient people were truly intelli

gent. how did they use these techniques the "sanxingdui civilization" was one of the ancient civilizations in china, appearing around 3000 bc, and is a highly representative civilization. the most famous discovery of this civilization is the sanxingdui site, located in guanghan city, sichuan province. the site has a history of 3000 to 5

000 years. the discovery of this site began in 1929 when local farmers accidentally discovered a pit of jade artifacts. with the continuous advancement of archeology, the sanxingdui site has brought more and more surprises to future generations, such as the bronze giant human statue, bronze masks, and gold mask bronze heads unearthed. t

hese artifacts allow us to further understand the sanxingdui civilization. in june 2022, archeological work at sanxingdui is still ongoing. however, everyone was surprised when experts found a unique artifact while cleaning up pit no.7. this artifact is primarily made of bronze, with four frames surrounding its exterior, and a turtle sh

ell-shaped bottom. the turtle shell has a grid-like pattern on top, and there are hinges and latches on the side of the artifact, which seems to open the grid-like bronze object. the artifact also has ten bronze dragon handles and bronze ribbons on the sea, giving a mysterious and delicate feeling. upon seeing this artifact, the experts

were stunned and asked themselves, "what is this" based on the appearance of this artifact, the experts named it "turtle back-shaped grid-like bronze artifact." when news of the discovery of this artifact spread, it immediately attracted the attention of people from all walks of life. netizens even g**e the artifact a beautiful name, "

moonlight treasure box."改进后的文本如下:这种器物是在三星堆遗址内首次发现,因此为三星堆文化研究提供了全新的方向。在研究“龟背形网格状青铜器”时,专家们竟然在此器物上发现了与焊接技术相关的信息。在三星堆遗址中,有三种焊接技术。接下来,我们一起来看看:第一种是铸焊。铸焊是一种通过高温熔化金属溶液,然后将两个铸件焊接在一起的技术。在三星堆遗址中,这种技术经常被使用。例如,在二号祭祀坑内出土的人坐像,根据龟背形网格状青铜器的制作方式,这件器物应该是采用铸焊工艺制作的。第二种是铸铆。在制作器物的过程中,除了最常见的铸焊工艺,工匠们还会使用铸铆工艺,即用铆钉将器物连接起来。这种工艺可以使器物之间的连接更加牢固。


专家在三星堆出土文物上,竟发现铸焊 铸铆和铆焊工艺

各位读者,提到 三星堆 你会想到什么呢?是三星堆文明,还是三星堆遗址出土的器物?专家们在清理三星堆遗址的过程中,经常会发现具有研究价值的文物,但让他们没想到,在出土的文物上竟发现铸焊 铸铆和铆焊工艺,不得不说,古人真的是太聪明了,他们究竟是如何运用的呢?本文所有 全部来自网络,感谢原作者,如侵犯您的...




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