打哈欠 放屁 打嗝 这些让人尴尬的本能到底是干啥用的啊

2023-11-29 17:50:45 字數 5222 閱讀 1283







1. 王舒。 融安闻气方。

2. 张仲景。 伤寒杂病论。

yawning, farting, and hiccuping...what are these embarrassing instincts for?

the various instinctive reactions of the human body are important guarantees for our survival and health. although beh**iors like yawning, farting, and hiccuping can sometimes be embarrassing, they h**e significant meanings in traditional chinese medicine (tcm) theory. this article will explore the significance of these instinctive beh**iors from the perspective of tcm, incorporating references to ancient and modern famous formulas. we will reveal the mysteries behind these beh**iors using rigorous and scientific language, providing a rich and informative content.

first, let us delve into the purpose of yawning. yawning is a natural mechanism of the body that helps regulate the intake of oxygen, ensuring better supply to the brain and organs. in tcm theory, yawning is considered as an expression of the lung’s qi regulation. the lung is closely related to respiration in tcm. yawning allows the flow of qi and blood in the body to become unobstructed while increasing the intake of lung qi. the ancient tcm formula "rong an wen qi fang" emphasizes the benefits of yawning, stating that it can calm the mind, relieve fatigue and worries, expel toxins and turbidity from the body. therefore, although yawning may appear as a casual beh**ior, it is actually a manifestation of self-balancing functions within the human body.

next, let us analyze the purpose of farting. farting is a normal phenomenon in the digestive system, releasing accumulated intestinal gas and aiding in the elimination of waste gas and toxins. in tcm theory, the act of farting is closely related to the regulation of the spleen and stomach. according to the book "shang han za bing lun," it states, "when the qi accumulates, it must be vented. if the large air is reduced, the small air will make the belly full." this means that the accumulated gas within the body needs to be expelled through farting to maintain comfort in the abdomen. the classical tcm formula "wen jing yi wei tang" is an effective prescription for regulating the functions of the spleen and stomach, helping to eliminate bloating. in summary, although farting may be considered embarrassing in social situations, it is crucial for maintaining the normal functioning of the digestive system.

lastly, let us explore the purpose of hiccuping. hiccups are involuntary contractions of the muscles in the respiratory system. in tcm, hiccups are considered as an expression of gastric qi regulation. according to the book "yin shi zheng zhuan," it states, "hiccup qi must return to the stomach. when the stomach is full, hiccups naturally occur." hiccuping helps expel gastric qi, preventing the occurrence of bloating and stomach pain. traditional chinese medicine has a famous formula called "li qi tang," which is used to treat disorders of gastric qi. it utilizes the method of promoting blood circulation and regulating qi to effectively relieve hiccup-related discomforts. hence, even though hiccuping may cause embarrassment in specific circumstances, it is essential for regulating gastric qi and maintaining the normal functioning of the digestive system.

in conclusion, the embarrassing instinctive beh**iors of yawning, farting, and hiccuping h**e significant roles according to tcm theory. they are all self-regulating mechanisms of life within the human body, helping to maintain balance and promote health. although these beh**iors are still perceived as improper in social situations, we should understand and respect the physiological laws and natural responses of our bodies. by embracing tcm health practices, adopting a scientific diet, and engaging in psychological adjustments, we can better maintain our physical well-being and comfortably n**igate through each day.


1. wang shu. rong an wen qi fang.


人们打哈欠的行为可能是由于身体需要保持清醒,或者身体疲劳 紧张 焦虑等情绪导致的。打哈欠可以增加口腔和咽喉部位的肌肉活动,帮助身体吸入更多的氧气,排出二氧化碳,从而保持身体清醒。此外,打哈欠还可以促进唾液分泌,帮助身体消化和吸收食物。除了生理需求外,打哈欠也可能是身体的一种心理反应。当身体感到疲劳 ...




打哈欠可能是身体缺氧了打哈欠除了是因为困倦,还可能是身体缺氧发出的信号。打哈欠是一种正常的生理反应,想打哈欠的时候不要憋着,不然可能会导致二氧化碳堆积,脑细胞缺氧。身体缺氧的症状 频繁打哈欠。睡眠不足或身体劳累的人通过打哈欠能让脑部得到更多的氧气,达到提神醒脑和振奋精神的效果。但是有些人打哈欠是因为...