中学英语中26个 by 固定搭配归纳总结

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1. stand by:支持。

例句:i'll stand by and support you through this difficult time.(我会支持你度过这个困难时期。)

2. by a long shot:远远不及。

例句:she's not as experienced as him by a long shot.(她远远不及他那么有经验。)

3. by + 交通工具:通过某种交通工具。

例句:she arrived by train.(她乘火车到达。)

4. by accident:偶然。

例句:he found the lost key by accident.(他偶然找到了丢失的钥匙。)

5. by air:乘飞机。

例句:we tr**eled by air to reach our destination.(我们乘飞机到达目的地。)

6. by all means:无论如何。

例句:by all means, do what you think is right.(无论如何,做你认为正确的事。)

7. by and by:不久;逐渐;迟早。

例句:by and by, you will understand the situation better.(迟早你会更好地理解这种情况。)

8. by and large:大体上;总的来说。

例句:by and large, the meeting was productive.(总的来说,会议很富有成效。)

9. by chance:偶然;意外地。

例句:they met by chance at the café.(他们在咖啡馆偶然相遇。)

10. by comparison:比较起来。

例句:by comparison, this car is more fuel-efficient.(比较起来,这辆车更省油。)

11. by contrast:比较起来。

例句:the old house was dark, by contrast, the new one is bright.(老房子很暗,相比之下,新房子很明亮。)

12. by far:最;到目前为止。

例句:this is by far the best movie i've seen this year.(这部电影是我今年看过的最好的。)

13. by hand:用手。

例句:the pottery was made by hand.(这陶器是手工制作的。)

14. by heart:牢记;凭记忆。

例句:she knows the poem by heart.(她能背诵这首诗。)

15. by itself:独自;单独。

例句:the toy car moved by itself.(玩具车自己动了。)

16. by means of:借助于;用。

例句:he fixed the problem by means of a **solution.(他用一个简单的方法解决了问题。)

17. by mistake:错误地。

例句:i took your book by mistake.(我错拿了你的书。)

18. by no means:决不。

例句:she's by no means willing to compromise.(她决不愿意妥协。)

19. by oneself:独自地;自行。

例句:he tr**eled by himself.(他独自旅行。)

20. by oneself:独自地;单独地。

例句:he built the entire bookshelf by himself.(他独自完成了整个书架的搭建。)

21. by reason of:由于。

例句:she missed the meeting by reason of a sudden illness.(因突发病情,她错过了会议。)

22. by the book:按规定;依照规范。

例句:he always follows the instructions by the book.(他总是依照规范执行指示。)

23. by the way:顺便提一下;另外。

例句:by the way, did you remember to call him?(顺便问一句,你记得给他打**了吗?)

24. by turns:轮流。

例句:they took care of the baby by turns during the night.(他们在晚上轮流照看宝宝。)

25. by virtue of:因为。

例句:he got the job by virtue of his experience.(他因为经验而得到了这份工作。)

26. by way of:经由;通过……方式。

例句:he explained the concept by way of a **analogy.



初中英语考点 devote固定搭配及用法

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