韦氏词典公布2023年度词汇 Authentic

2023-11-28 16:20:04 字數 19138 閱讀 8178


小作业:1. according to peter sokolowski, what is the underlying societal implication of the word "authentic" being prominent in 2023?

a) a crisis and increased value of authenticity.

b) a general appreciation for traditional values.

c) a shift towards more transparent communication.

d) a trend towards simplicity and minimalism.

2. which example did the author not use to illustrate the relevance of "authentic" in 2023?a) elon musk's advice to leaders about social media.

b) the rise of artificial intelligence.

c) the popularity of virtual reality technology.

d) openai's leadership crisis.


what's merriam-webster's word of the year for 2023? hint: be true to yourself

from: ap news

in an age of deepfakes and post-truth, as artificial intelligence rose and elon musk turned twitter into x, the merriam-webster word of the year for 2023 is “authentic.”

authentic cuisine. authentic voice. authentic self. authenticity as artifice. lookups for the word are routinely he**y on the dictionary company's site but were boosted to new heights throughout the year, editor at large peter sokolowski told the associated press in an exclusive interview.

we see in 2023 a kind of crisis of authenticity,” he said ahead of monday's announcement of this year's word. “what we realize is that when we question authenticity, we value it even more.”

sokolowski and his team don't delve into the reasons people head for dictionaries and websites in search of specific words. rather, they chase the data on lookup spikes and world events that correlate. this time around, there was no particularly huge boost at any given time but a constancy to the increased interest in “authentic.”

this was the year of artificial intelligence, for sure, but also a moment when chatgpt-maker openai suffered a leadership crisis. taylor swift and prince harry chased after authenticity in their words and deeds. musk himself, at february's world government summit in dubai, urged the heads of companies, politicians, ministers and other leaders to “speak authentically” on social media by running their own accounts.

can we trust whether a student wrote this **can we trust whether a politician made this statement? we don't always trust what we see anymore,” sokolowski said. “we sometimes don't believe our own eyes or our own ears. we are now recognizing that authenticity is a performance itself.”

merriam-webster's entry for “authentic” is busy with meaning.

there is “not false or imitation: real, actual,” as in an authentic cockney accent. there's “true to one's own personality, spirit or character.” there's “worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact.” there is “made or done the same way as an original.” and, perhaps the most telling, there's “conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features.”

authentic” follows 2022's choice of “gaslighting.” and 2023 marks merriam-webster's 20th anniversary choosing a top word.

the company's data crunchers filter out evergreen words like “love” and “affect” vs. “effect” that are always high in lookups among the 500,000 words it defines online. this year, the wordsmiths also filtered out numerous five-letter words because wordle and quordle players clearly use the company's site in search of them as they play the daily games, sokolowski said.

sokolowski, a lexicologist, and his colleagues h**e a bevy of runners-up for word of the year that also attracted unusual traffic. they include “x” (lookups spiked in july after musk's rebranding of twitter), egot” (there was a boost in february when viola d**is achieved that rare quadruple-award status with a grammy) and “elemental,” the title of a new pixar film that had lookups jumping in june.



what's merriam-webster's word of the year for 2023? hint: be true to yourself

from: ap news

in an age of deepfakes and post-truth, as artificial intelligence rose and elon musk turned twitter into x, the merriam-webster word of the year for 2023 is “authentic.”

在深度伪造(deepfakes)和后真相(post-truth)时代,随着人工智能的崛起以及埃隆·马斯克(elon musk)将推特(twitter)改为x的背景下,《韦氏词典》(merriam-webster)将2023年的年度词汇选为“authentic”(真实的,真正的)。


authentic /ɔen.tɪk/ 形容词,表示“真的;真正的;可靠的;可信的”,英文解释为“if something is authentic, it is real, true, or what people say it is.”如:authentic italian food 正宗意大利食品。

authenticity /ˌenˈtɪs.ə.ti/ 名词,表示“确实性;真实性;可靠性”,英文解释为“the quality of being genuine or true.”举个


真实 当选韦氏词典年度词汇。欧飒。韦氏词典编辑出版商美国韦氏出版公司日宣布,将英文单词authentic 意为真实的 正宗的等 定为年的年度词汇。真假难辨 韦氏出版公司发表声明说,authentic往年也是搜索热词,但今年受人工智能技术成为热门话题等因素影响,这个词的搜索量激增。声明说,随着人工智能...


新华社北京月日电 权威词典 柯林斯英语词典 出版方月日宣布,人工智能 的英文缩写ai当选今年 年度单词 月日,一名女士在美国拉斯维加斯消费电子展上体验智能科技。新华社发 曾慧摄 根据 柯林斯英语词典 的释义,ai是人工智能artificial intelligence的缩写,即电脑程序对人类心智功能...


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