中华古诗词双语阅读《回乡偶书》Homecoming 文末有阅读测试

2023-11-29 09:25:11 字數 4687 閱讀 9908



old, i return to the homeland i left while young,thinner has grown my hair, though i speak the same tongue.

my children, whom i meet, do not know who am i.

where are you from, dear sir?” they ask with beaming eyes.

translated by xu yuanchong)





the poet he zhizhang used to be an official in the royal court (朝廷) during the tang dynasty (618-907). when he was 86 years old, he resigned (辞去) his official position and went back to his hometown, where he wanted to spend his last days.

poems of he zhizhang (659-744) are famous for their simplicity. they were known to women and children during his time.

he was a person with a wild (狂放的) personality. he liked talking, drinking and **friends. he and poet li bai were good friends, as they were quite alike. he g**e li the nickname“the banished immortal” (谪仙人)

returning home reminded him of his happy childhood and the changes of life. one can see this in the comparisons he makes in his poem; for example, “young” and “old”, his graying and thinning hair and his unchanged accent.

the last two lines of the poem describe several local children talking with the poet. but behind the pleasant wording (措辞) is the feeling the poet gets when he is seen as a stranger, rather than a native of his own hometown.



welcome to classic reading. i’m your host, jordon. while living in china for the past seven years, i’ve become interested in chinese culture, especially classical chinese poetry. i h**e also known some chinese poets, such as li bai, du fu and so on. today, i will talk about a poem from the tang dynasty by the poet he zhizhang.

here is an english version(版本) of the poem by xu yuanchong, a world-famous translator of ancient chinese poems in both english and french. let’s take a look at his translation.

oh, i return to the homeland i left while young,thinner has grown my hair, though i speak the same tongue.

my children, whom i meet, do not know who am i.

where are you from, dear sir?” they ask with beaming eyes.

in this short poem, he zhizhang tells a story about a visit to his birthplace. it’s been decades(数十年) since the last time he was home, but he could still pick up his local accent. things did not change much, but the people did. the poet had mixed feelings about it, so he wrote this poem.

personally, i like this poem because it reminds (使想起) me of my own hometown. no matter where i live or for how long i’ve left, my hometown and family will always h**e a special place in my heart.

i hope you can enjoy this poem as much as i do. see you next time!

1. jordon has lived in china for __


six years


seven years


nine years


ten years

2. _translated this poem into english according to the passage.




he zhizhang


xu yuanchong


du fu3. what may be the name of the poem mentioned in the passage?


spring morning


return to nature




autumn thoughts

4. the program is mainly about __


an ancient chinese poem


a world-famous translator


the host’s homesickness


an english poem and a chinese poet

5. what can we learn from the passage?


jordon lives in his hometown now.


he zhizhang returned home to pick up his local accent.


he zhizhang wrote the poem in a happy mood.


jordon likes classical chinese poetry very much.

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